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The week had passed in a flurry of lessons and then when lessons ended, Carmilla got even more lessons with June and Ace, who had successfully taught her the alphabet.

Everyone was settling into school life, and there was a quite lot more homework then necessary.

Ace dragged Carmilla along to more quidditch practises and had taken to randomly pelting the poor girl/vampire with small objects to see if Carmilla could dodge or catch them. Four out of five times she could catch it, but there was an incident involving a banana and a very angry Professor McGonagall that resulted in a detention for the two of them.

She had also had her first muggle studies with the Gryffindor's who signed up for it [not many].

It was an interesting class, but because it was the first time the third years had had it, they just went over the curriculum and such, but they were learning about Greek and Roman cultures for the rest of the term.

Carmilla thought it might be more valuable to teach the kids brought up by magic parents about things like ballpoint pens and train tickets, but she wasn't the headmaster.

She had just left double potions, where Professor Slughorn had reminded her of the meeting she was invited to next Wednesday, in preparation for the Halloween party. It had confused her. October was in a week, and Halloween was at the end of the month anyway, but June had explained that Hogwarts took Halloween veryseriously.

At that point Sirius had butted in with some joke about his name.

Her bag strained around the various things she had stuffed into it before leaving for the hospital wing, including the book June was reading out loud to her at the moment and more sweets and chocolate she may have taken from the Honeydukes cellar.

"Is something wrong?" Madame Pomphrey asked Carmilla when she slipped through the double doors.

The nurse had a clipboard in hand and a purple beaded looking potion in the other. A people were scattered around the infirmary, but the one she was looking for was hidden from view, behind a white curtain.

"I'm here to see Remus." Carmilla asked, hitching her heavy bag up on her shoulder.

The nurse pursed her lips tightly, eyes flickering towards the hidden hospital bed. She straightened up. "I'm afraid he's asleep. You can come back tomorrow."

Carmilla stared at her. She raised her voice an octave. "I have chocolate."

Madame Pomphrey shushed her aggressively, gesturing to the injured kids playing with magical cards and sleeping in the metal beds.

"Let her in!" A voice wailed from behind the curtain desperately. Carmilla slid past the nurse with a grin, before pulling the white curtain aside and back again, so no one saw the tired werewolf.

"Ruff night?" Carmilla asked.

Remus glared at her. "That was really bad..."

"Sirius was too busy sleeping in muggle studies to take notes, so you can use mine. We have to write a few paragraphs about what we know about Greek and Roman gods," Carmilla explained, handing her notes and a thick book over. She frowned. "Which I know fuck all about. I'm using this book June gave me

She sat down in the seat next to the tired boy, pulling out a box of limited-edition chocolate frogs she had paid nothing for and propping her feet up on the chair opposite her.

The guilt clawed at her a little bit. Ace, on the other hand, didn't 'give a rat's ass about their income, if we get free pepper imps'. And in her opinion, they should 'start a sweet dealing empire in the pits of Hogwarts trading schemes'.

Cherry Lips // s. blackWhere stories live. Discover now