Go eat baby so we can go to Disney!

I am, and don't forget to fix your wig and your eye lashes! She laughed. She reached up and grabbed my lash off my face laughing because it was upside down.

Ooot girl bye! I laughed. She got up and ran out the room. I got up looking in the mirror and my other lash was hanging and my wig was fucked up. I took my lash off and Carter came into the room kissing me.

GoodMorning! He laughed.

GoodMorning! I smiled going into the bathroom and he followed me. "What!"

Nun you just look sexy come here! He smiled
Pulling me back to him and kissing me. He picked me up sitting me on the counter closing the door behind him and locking it.

Stop I gotta get in the shower! I giggled as he kissed my neck.

You can wait! He kissed down my body and started eating my pussy. My body was so tender and sensitive from cumming so much I started to cum again so fast. He pulled me to the edge and started to dick me down. We went rounds last night and he wanted to be back at it this morning! The stamina this man had was unbelievable.

He finally got off of me and I got in the shower. I had to relax my body and take a advantage of getting some alone time after what he just did to me.

I got out and lotion my body. I caught myself smiling I was so happy. I haven't been this happy in so long.

I put on some Burberry shorts and a white Burberry shirt with my tan Yeezys. The girls was gonna wear the same outfits as me and to my surprise he had them ready already.

Hi Mrs. Mitchell!!!!!! The girls sang once they seen me come in the kitchen laughing. I loved them so bad I laughed.

Hi babies! I laughed before kissing my man.

You hungry mamas? He asked grabbing me a plate.

I ate enough di.... I mean no! He looked at me in shock at what I was about to say with laughter.

I got some more of that you can eat later!

Oh I bet you do! I smiled hugging his waist so he could kiss me.

Mr. Mitchell the car is about 20 minutes away. Stephanie said coming into the kitchen.

Okay thanks.! Ight princess's y'all ready to have some fun at Disney?!!!!!!

Yeahhhhhhh!!!!!! They all screamed in excitement so loud making me laugh. I loved this so much for Harm and I know it'll be the same with our son as well.

Disney was amazing and we was having so much fun. I think I stopped at almost food stand there was my stomach was huge from the fullness.

Harmony and I'lan ran ahead of us and I grabbed my fiancé hand as we walked. The girls made him wear Mickey ears. I couldn't stop laughing and smiling at his cuteness.

The girls stopped running and I'lan fell holding her chest. "Momm!" Harmony yelled with tears. We ran over to them.

"What's wrong, your asthma?!" Carter signed in sign language to I'lan. "Where is your inhaler?" He signed going through her bag.

"I forgot it!" She signed back and holding her chest trying to breathe.
I looked around and saw a chicken shack I got up quick and ran over to them. I grabbed some honey and hot water from my bag and my towel. I poured the honey and water into a towel.

"Breathe this in and out, and hold your arms up!" I signed to her. Carter looked at me in shock. She held her arms up and I placed the towel in her face and she took deep breaths.

What is that? Carter asked confused.

I use to do it all the time as a kid when I had asthma attacks. The honey and water breaks down the antioxidants to help her with the breathing and her having her arms up helps open her airways. I explained as her breathing was turned to normal.
He picked her up examining her.

I told you baby not to leave that inhaler.! He said so concerned.

Sorry! I'lan feelings was hurt he pulled her into a hug and hugged her.

It's okay, you can't do that! I love you kid! He said wiping her tears.

Here drink this water baby! I opened a bottle of water and gave it to her.

You know sign language? He asked me impressed.

Yeah, my older sister was death.! I explained.

Oh wow...

Yeah, you? I was actually impressed to see that.

My BestFriend he was death. Kinda just stuck with me and I taught I'lan just for this exact reason.

That's actually smart! How you feel baby girl?

I'm good now! She smiled hard.

Here sister I got you this to make you feel better! Harmony said kneeling down to I'lan holding a stitch plushy. I'lan smiled hard and hugged her.

Okay we've had a long day I think we need to go for dinner and than back to the house and relax there! Carter said helping the girls up.

I agree! Come on ladies! I smiled grabbing their hands. I swear I was feeling like I needed a damn wheelchair my back and legs was hurting.

We finally made it back to the car and our driver took us to this Disney themed restaurant. It was so many different things going on. They even had an arcade and giant projector screens on with different Disney movies playing.! They menu was even made up of different Disney movies and shows food.

Overall the place was a 10 out of 10 everybody loved it!

I tucked the girls in and kissed both of their foreheads after reading them a bedtime story. They definitely preferred Carter over me cause he made stories up as he went and that was so much more entertaining to them than the book. But he had to take a business call.

I got in the shower and ready for bed. I could tell I ate way to much today the way my belly was poking out. I was completely stuffed.

I climbed into bed with Carter and he just got off the phone. I layed my head on his chest and he kissed my forehead. "It's crazy that I feel this way about you...." He said speaking as he played with my hair a bit.

What's crazy about it?

I never expected to fall in love.....or for you to actually give me a chance honestly.

I'm glad I did! I smiled looking up at him. He grabbed my chin and kissed me. There was no doubt in my mind that he didn't mean every word he said.

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