His Brother.

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"Both of you stop right now!" Susannah Yells. They listen to her and stood up off the floor.
"What is going on?" She says with her eyebrows squinted. "They know Susannah. They both know." I explain. She looks at me trembling, "H-how?" she stuttered.

"You knew too, and didn't tell me?" Jeremiah snarled  judging me.
"Jeremiah I-" I hesitated.
"Un-fucking believable!" He huffed walking away with his hands balled in fist.
"Jeremiah!" I shouted running after him.

He hurried to the exit of the building and opened the door as fast as he could and walked out into the pouring rain. "JEREMIAH!" I pleaded from the doorway. He didn't answer me, I kicked off my heels and ran after him.

I finally caught up to him and grabbed his hand. He didn't turn to face me, "Rosalee. Let go of me." He grumbled. "No! Jeremiah you have to understand, I couldn't tell you, she didn't tell me, Conrad found out and told me we didn't tell anyone because it was Susannah's choice!"
He turned to face me.


And he walked to the car and drove off leaving me there in the pouring rain, with make up running down my cheeks. "I didn't want you to get hurt.." I whisper as I watch him drive off. My knees fail me, and I collapse on the ground.

Conrad runs from behind me and picks me up off the ground. He helps me stand and holds me in his arms, I start sobbing on his shoulder, getting makeup all over it. I look back at the building and see Susannah, mom, Belly, Steven, Shayla, Paisley, and my father on the deck of the building. Moms holding Belly in her arms crying.

"It's my fault Conny.." I sob.
He stops rubbing my back and pulls away from the hug and places his hand under my chin and makes me look at him. "Please don't blame yourself for this Rose." He pleaded while rubbing his thumb on my cheek and running his fingers through my hair.

After a few minutes of hugging in the rain we walk to everyone else, I immediately run to Susannah and Paisley and we all hug while holding each-other up with tears running down our face. Steven and Belly join, then Conrad and Shayla do, then my father does. We stay like this crying and just being there for each other.

A few Minutes later we decide to leave the ball early because Belly didn't wanna go back inside. I rode with Conrad and Paisley. I couldn't stop thinking about the fight with Jeremiah. What did it mean? What are we now? Are we still together? How do i even talk to him? I was so lost in thought i didn't even realize when we pulled into the driveway of the house.

I unbuckled my seat belt and practically jumped out of the car. I started looking for his car "no,no,no,no" I objected. I started running to the house as i was running up the porch stairs i heard Paisley yell "Rosalee are you okay!?" I ignored her and ran into the house and up the stairs to his room and looked in his drawers. Some of his clothes were missing i stood there cautioned.

I hear the sound of heels tapping the wooden floor. "Rosa?" i hear Paisley call. She walks into the room and stands in the doorway, I turn away from the dresser and face the doorway where she was standing. "He left." my voice cracked with tears running down my cheeks again.

I start sobbing. "Rosa he's just mad" she wraps her arms around me. "I've never seen him like that, screaming." I sobbed. "I was scared. Scared of him Paisley." I wrest my chin on her shoulder and she places her hand on the back of my head. "Shh, let's go change into something dry, hm?" she says trying to cheer me up. "Okay."

We walk to my room and as we approach my door i look back to the hallway and see Conrad. He's standing at the top of the stairs with one hand on the back of his neck. He notices me looking at him and locks eye contact with me he looks upset about something.

I walk into my room with Paisley and look through my closet for something to wear. I end up just putting on a big white T shirt and Nike leggings.
I walk into my bathroom and stand in-front of the sink and look into the mirror at myself. My mascara and eyeliner mixed have created lines running down my cheeks. I grab the makeup remover form my cabinet and starts taking off my makeup.

I finish taking off my makeup and walk back into my room. Paisleys looking through her bag for something "hey, i'm going to go check on Conrad." I  twist my bedroom door handle. "okay, i'm going to hop in the shower" she replied.

I walk down the hall to Conrad's room and knock on the door. "who is it?" he says from the other side. "Rosalee" i answered. He opens the door and sits back on his bed. "Are you okay?" I shut the door. "Nobody's okay." he chuckles. I sit beside him on the bed. "You looked upset earlier" i turn my head to him. "Yeah.." he lays down with his hands behind his head.

I lay down beside him with my hands on my stomach. "What's wrong?" I asked looking at the roof. "Belly broke up with me." He sighs. "Why!?" i ask shocked. "She's mad I didn't tell her about moms cancer" he addressed.

"I'm sorry." i say turning on my side facing him. I place right hand on his chest. "It's fine I didn't see anything happening, she was always mad about something." He says looking at me. "oh" i say drawing shapes on his chest.

" what about You and Jere?" He ask. "I don't really know, maybe it was just a summer fling. It's just confusing." I sigh.

"so it won't be happening anymore?" he questioned.
"Probably not." I sigh.
"good." he says. I look up at his face and he's grinning and looking at my lips.

I always thought I would end up with Jeremiah. But here I am about to kiss Conrad Fisher, His brother.

Thank you so much for reading my story! Who would have thought it would be Conrad?
"Maybe it was just a make out session"
it will be about the same people but they will be older probably 3-4 years older. I will try to have the first chapter out by january 15th 2023
the meet the characters are already out though!!
stay tuned!!❤️

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