Event's planning

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It's now December 1st and officially winter season and that this time of year we get a lot of snow here. But on November 30th all of us were called and planned a meeting today in 15 minutes but why should I be worried I can can just time stop. After getting ready I got on one knee and bowed as I was transferred to our meeting room but the other weren't prepared for our meeting I was upset and shouted that them "DID YOU GUY'S REALLY FORGOT ABOUT THE MEETING WE PLANNED YESTERDAY!?!" but Ava was not wasting any time to start an agreement "OH REALLY DON'T GET ALL MAD WITH US UNLIKE YOU WE'RE NOT SMIPS LIKE YOU MY FRIEND!"

Furious I turned in my warrior form and pulled out a gun and pointed it to her head and pulled the trigger shooting. Blowing her head up but I knew our lovely queen wouldn't like it but she was pissing me off with a heavy heart I was getting ready for my punishment and I got slammed with a hammer to the head. "I'm every disappointed with your behavior Joseph and Ava but this is now behind us. Now may we begin our meeting?" We all got in our seats and being planing of this village yearly winter events.

Queen: ok so does any one have any ideas for this year winter event?
Cypher: we could try hosting a food service for others how can't afford food?
Ava:  you DUMASS whey have excellent enough food to last three thousand years in the village do better NEXT!
Leo:OH! We can try a winter game for the kids if it's not too cold outside.
Queen:great idea Leo and Cypher I'll take your idea as well so thanks for the great help for these great ideas You're free to leave now.

I looked at Cypher to see he's blushing that our queen but I didn't attempt to stop after all he's still a mortal with no power but good coding and well talent. But when I was leaving  I was him with Ava that my left I wishers to her "he knows what happened to you last night" Ava looked in disbelief and smiled. which that's how she says thanks you for informing her.

When our perfect queen told to collect for the winter event I was going to exit but then a strange man ran into me and we both fell our and in his pocket was a funny little thing fell out when I grabbed it and tried to hand it to him we was gone and he didn't even say sorry. But I continued my mission to harvest crops and others good I could find.

When I returned from harvesting things I saw Ava talking to the same guy the ran into me but I wanted to hear their conversation taking a sit on velvet red chair I eavesdrop on their little conversion. " ok Cypher is your best friend" Ava asked the man " yes you could say were very VERY close friends~." " Good then you can go and "talk" with him." After they finish talking I got up and went after to return he thing but Ava stopped me and asked me what I got in my hand. When I showed it she she face lighted with joy and shouted to then man " HEY MAN I FOUND IT THIS CAN HELP YOU!" Taking it out my hand she ran over and returned to the man who thanked her.

I didn't check to see what it was but was crucial at the bottom of the thing but now that's it's out hands I be handing the crops to our queen. As I was leaving her room I was Ava but  she was flat on the white carpet having a nose bleed I got some tissue and gave then to her she told me to hear what going on in Cypher room although I wasn't  too concerned about eavesdropping on them but it anyways I leaned over to the wall all I heard was yelling but  I managed to make to so words they were saying to each other " harder~ faster~ m-more-."

I looked back that Ava bleeding out ALL OVER THE CARPET I was upset about it but I have greater things to do then hear this idiotic nonsense that's she enjoys so much "I don't have time for this." I told her "wELl tHAT's YoUR'E LOST!" I put her on a chair and torn up the carpet that she bleed on over. Than tossing her the floor and almost crushed her head with my black leather boots.

"Enjoy your show I guess" I said  before walking away from her. But she's so annoying but our perfect queen told me that I'm her most powerful warrior and I don't want to lose that stop.

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