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Rubbing my eyes, I peek over to see what is all the rustling that I am hearing. Levi is trying his hardest to be quiet to not wake me up, but his efforts go to waste once I start snorting at him being hunched over on his tippy toes.  His head snaps in my direction and smiles, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. 

"You're a character you know that ?" The first words I managed to get out. Levi manages to let out a laugh and rushes over to the bed to give me a kiss.  "Come on baby, we got school" I smack his arm not wanting to be reminded of school. A loud sigh escapes my mouth as I force myself to sit up in the bed, rubbing my eyes once again.  

"Could you kindly bring me home so I could have clean clothes to wear ?" I look over to Levi.

"Of course baby" He pats my legs.


Levi brings me back home just for me to be greeted at the door by Mikasa. 

"So, I heard what happened last night" Mikasa greets me 

"Good morning to you too" I faked smiled, letting myself in. 

"Y/N you know it was wrong to do that to Eren" She follows me to my door. 

"None of your business, Mikasa" I put the key in the key hole. "You know what he did to me and you're still out to make me look like the bad guy" I turn the keyhole and leave my door open for Mikasa behind me. "Also, since when were you and Eren "close" again" I turn around and chuckle. 

"I never even inserted myself into your drama with Eren and it's kind of hard to not be all up in your business when you and Eren always act out and make your drama known" She states "It's not fun having one of your many boyfriends come home to complain about your bullshit and as a friend I need you to get your shit together Y/N and already choose between Levi and Eren" She continues. 

Leaving me speechless I just stare waiting for her to get out of my room. She finally takes my silence as an answer and leaves my room. I check my phone to see 43 missed calls from Eren and thousands of texts. I don't bother to talk to him; I'm already forced to see him at school anyways. 


Walking to class while reading some texts in the group chat with the girls, I hear my name being called behind me. Rolling my eyes in annoyance, knowing who it already was, I turn around to be greeted by Eren.

"Hey" I spoke not making eye contact with him. 

"Hey, can we talk about what's going on between us ?" Eren asks

"What is there to talk about ?" 

"Quit being a smart ass, you know exactly what I'm talking about" He chuckles hand on his mouth

"How about I drive us to your house to talk about it" He asks

"Talk about it you say, hm. Conveniently no one will be home" I smile. "Alright I'll meet you after class"

Eren nods in approval and walks into class after me. 

After class finished, Eren immediately comes up to me and drags me by my arm. "Jeez, okay" I mumble under my breath.

Opening the door to his passenger side of his car, he basically throws me into the seat and closes the passenger side door. He enters his car and starts driving to my house. We rode in silence the whole drive there, even when I unlock the door to the house we both remain silent until we reach my room with my door closed. Eren takes a seat on the side of my bed and I sit on the other. Looking at each other in silence I finally say  "So" while twiddling with my fingers. 

"You wanna tell me what the fuck was the shit you pulled last night ?" He raises his voice. 

"It's very self-explanatory" I snap "Just like with your little ex incident" I laugh.

"That's very different, I didn't fuck her" Eren snaps back.

"Yea like that's believable Eren" I reply "You're a literal fuckboy and you expect me to believe you ?"  

"You know what your issue is ?" Eren asks not waiting for an answer he continues. "You think everyone and every man will fall to their knees just to get your validation, I am so sick and tired of chasing you, just for you to act childish and go fuck another man AND have the fucking audacity to answer my call while you're getting fucked by him. Do you know how this shit makes me feel ?" He yells. I try to get my words in but he continues his rant. "Y/N! Can't you tell I'm into you ? I've never chased someone as much as I chased you. Get it through your head, I'm in love with you! and the shit you pulled was not funny or cute in any way. I would never do that shit to you. FUCK, you fucking drive me crazy" I just sit there in silence, he's not wrong. I'm not an all so great person, now I see what Mikasa was trying to get through my head. "You're so lucky I'm in love with you" Eren sighs with his elbows on his knees and hands going through his hair. I just stare at him. We continue to sit in silence for a few minutes, no moving, no talking. 

Eren looks over to me with his hands still going through his hair, eyes on mine. His filled with rage and lust. "Do you know what you're doing to me ?" "Do know how many emotions you make me feel at once ? I can't get a fucking enough of you" He blurts out. I just stare back at Eren. 

"I-I'm sorry, I don't know what the fuck I was thinking. I was just so hurt seeing you with your ex all over you. I was angry you didn't bother pushing her off of you, I just want you to myself but I believe I'll ever get that. Levi was just there when I was very vulnerable and I knew it would be easy for me to use him for my own pleasure and I guess revenge. Again, I'm sorry Eren. I know I fucked up." I blurt out. 

Eren stares with a blank face. Sitting in silence once again, I start fiddling with my hands. 

"Y/N" My head turns to his direction. "Come here" He orders me.

I scoot closer to him just for him to grab my face and place a kiss on my lips. Oh how much I've missed his lips. Eren stares after the first kiss, searching my eyes to see if this action was okay.  After a couple seconds he resumes kissing me. His soft lips melt into my lips. 

Confused Love [ft Eren Yaeger & Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now