Chapter 1 /Welcome to the Casino/

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Date April 21st 2019

Paper sat on a bench watching the leaves from the tree fly around.
Paper had enjoyed this part of the park during sunset it always gave him a sense of comfort.
As the sun began to set suddenly he was startled by a presence right next to him.

It was OJ.

OJ turned to face Paper and gave him a warm smile.

The smile Paper loved about him.

Paper blushed and smile back. They sat in a comfortable silence as they both watched the sunset when suddenly OJ spoke.
"I always find comfort in the sunset. It always makes me feel warm, and I always wondered why, until I found out why" he said almost as if it were a riddle Paper was needing to solve. "Why?" Paper said curiously. OJ saw his expression as giggled, "Because it reminds me of you". Such simple words cause Paper to freak however as he was about to question it he felt a hand on his face. He became so nervous he was able to feel the blush creep on his face.
As the two got closer it suddenly felt more natural to the both of them.
And as soon as the both were about to kiss suddenly Paper was awaken by something

Papers pov-

Beep beep beep

I heard my alarm going off I groaned and pull my arm up to turn it off.
Of course it was all just a dream but it felt so real... I sighed and got up.
I have never enjoyed waking up in the mornings at least not anymore.
I used to enjoy being able to invite OJ to breakfast at some restaurant or a coffee at the café. However running a casino tends to make you forget those things.
I hated being there.
I hated having to walking into that.. building...
I hate having to smell cigarettes so early in the morning.
However I promised OJ I would help him no matter what..
I sighed again getting up and walking to my drawer. I open it to see my collection of ties.
Ever since this whole casino business OJ became very picky with apprentice. I was to wear a tie if I wanted to be near him if I didn't I would probably be ignored and treated like he didn't know me the whole day.
I grabbed one of my many dark blue ties and looked in the mirror as I adjusted it on, once it was on pretty close to perfectly I walked into the kitchen. I was planning on cooking a quick something for breakfast before I saw the time.
I groaned as I saw I didn't have time to focus on cooking so I grabbed my keys and coat and walked throught the door.
I quickly rush out of my apartment to the bus station. I hoped on the bus just in time taking a seat. It seemed at first I didn't care about being late but something about being on the bus makes me nervous about getting there. I knew OJ would be upset about me being late however the more time he spends in the casino the worse his temper gets.
It is sad I have to fear my "best friend" however I suppose that is just the way of management. I suddenly felt the bus hault realizing I was at my stop. All this thinking must have made me zone out. I sighed waiting for the big group of people to exit and got up and got out of the bus. I looked up to be met with the tall orange building. Anxiety striked through me as I started towards the door with the large crowd hearing their chatter.
They talk about OJ like he is some famous celebrity.. Well to be fair I guess he sorta is.. It is just weird to hear all these things about your best friend when your whole life you've known them as a normal person.
As me and crowd stepped into the casino the bright lights of gambling machines burn my eyes as the smell of normal smell of casinos soon takes over. A coughs slightly after releasing most of the crowd that was originally around me soon almost all split apart except some people going in the same direction as me probably trying to find OJ to challenge him. I just kept my pace walking which eventually lead to a big stageish area. I open the door to the left of the stage earning so looks from people nearby and immediately entered and closed it. It was a long hallway with pastel orange walls and dims lights on the ceiling. This was originally supposed to be the employee break area however it sorta turned into a backstage office. I looked around at the picture of OJ and the trophies hes earned during his whole gambling match. He has come so far i supposed. He earned a name for himself.
I looked forward to see where I was and was met with the manager door... or as we know it.

OJ's office.

I hold my breath and enter only to see his empty chair. I sighed in relief seeing as he was probably already out playing against guests. I walked over to the small room infront of OJ's desk. This was my office. I always found it ironic how we literally have the closes offices here and still barely talk..
But whatever I suppose

I started getting my office set up for today when I suddenly heard the door open quite roughly. I jumped a little and looked at the person who entered so rudely only to be met with Knife's irritated expression.

"OJ's asking for you to meet him by the stage"

(Author note-
This chapter hasn't been edited yet if there are any mistakes I will try to find them 😭)

One last roll /II poker au/Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora