16 // Anger

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There was a place in japan, a gas station to be exact, a run down, dusty one that had yet to knocked down. It was almost invisible and not the first place you'd think of when refering to "tipsys". Anyhow, the place was further into Tokyo, more specifically, it was near a dark errie allyway a lot of criminals used. There was a place in this store that connected to that ally way, that not many knew about.

The place that connected it was a large pipe someone could crawl through and fall out into the allyway. No one ever thought it led somewhere. Until some smokers in the allyway heard a creeking, metal noise coming from the store. Of course they ignored it, it was mid day and most likely a rat. Then they heard metal scraping on metal, and within a few seconds something came rushing out the pipe as it became wider and then before they knew it, a lady was laying on the concrete floor cursing to herself. They would have scattered almost immediatly if not for her slutty attire.

She stood up and the cold and errie feeling rushed over her. Even though threatened by the looks the smokers gave her, the headache she suffered was worse, ringing so powerful she couldn't see straight. She underestimated how bright it would be outside, but it brought her relief, without being able to count the days, there was some comfort in knowng she hadn't been locked up for long.

She walked down the ally, staying close to the brick wall. There was something wrong, something in the atmosphere that just felt odd. Y/n noticed it all, it felt like a physical blood lust, a familiar one. And when she looked back into the ally, she felt the hair on her neck stand up. A faint feeling of fear rose in her, as if her heart had dropped, the smokers in the ally began to scatter. She could feel the blood lust chasing her. That's when she started to walk, then walking turned into jogging, and she kept running even though her nose began to bleed. The further she got away the more she realized she had freedom.


There was a mysterious silence in the hideout, an errie, evil silence. In the bar is where Dabi could be found alone, standing at the counter tapping his fingers on the glossy table. From this room alone--just from Dabi, one normal person would collaspe from the intensity of the blood lust. But everybody could feel it.

Dabi had plans. Good plans. Except they had faltered by not one but two people. He had even dressed for the occassion, in a nice tux that he had yet to finish adding to it before he recieved his devasting news. Now he stood at the counter, lying in wait, too angry to drink or sit. By the very second he was building many ways he could hurt them both at the same time, as punishment.

Before he could finish his plan, as if he'd go through with it in a calm manner, the door opened, and a loud raspy voice filled the silence.

"What are you pissed about Da-"

Before he could even react, a ball of blue fire hit Tomura and sent him flying into the next wall. He was unable to react. He lifted his head as Dabi pinned him to the wall by his neck. Tomura uppercut him and Dabi stumbled back, clenching his fist so tight they turned white. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

"I know what you did you fucking--" Dabi struggled to get the words out, he charged again, when Tomura dodged he got a hard right hook to the face. Dabi grabbed him by his neck again, proceeding in a headlock even while he struggled and hit dabi, but that didn't stop him from choking him and holding a knife so close to his neck it started to graze his skin the more he struggled and shigaraki let out a moan.


"I should go kill you in front of everyone right now, I know what you did, I know you touched her Shigaraki." He whispered in his ear, he elbowed and kicked so hard that Dabi's face began to bleed. There was a longer silence in the air, Tomura managed to escape his grip while Dabi wiped his nose on his sleeve.

He stared at the blood on his sleeve, for some depressing reason it reminded him of Y/n and that was the real problem at hand. But the moment he looked up, willing to put it behind him, he was hit with a punch of an energy wave that sent him flying through a wall and actually breaking it.

Tomura rolled his shoulders as he approached Dabi damn near unconscious. He wiped a bottle worth of blood off his face and gasped, the dust around him was making its way to his lungs.
"I've waited too long for this." Dabi's eyes widened as his left arm went up on blue flames, and Shigarkis hands were covered in a yellow glow.

Tomura pushed and punched Dabi in his face, knocking him into a shelf of glasses. "YOU FUCKING BAS-" he bellowed as Tomura punched him again. Dabi's hands went up inflamed as he grabbed Tomuras shirt and kicked him in his dick and repeatedly punched him in the face until Tomura hit his throat and with an energy wave knocked him off of himself.

"I'm going to kill you, Shigaraki."

The two charged at the same time, their quirks after being release from their palms met up at a certain point and stopped, frozen in mid air. Shigarki froze in his throwing stance, his energy wave--and everything stopped moving, even the television froze. All except Dabi, as soon as he noticed something big and dark rapidly emerged from the shadows, towering over him like a building. Dabi had never seen it before, but he knew what it was. As soon as he spoke, the dark shadow raised its hand and grabbed Dabi by his throat, lifting him off of his feet and pinning him to the wall.

"Do you understand what you are interfering with here?" The shadow said, his voice a low, blank, raspy tone. Dabi squirmed and struggled, just one of his hands with little force took up Dabi's whole neck and took away his breath.

"No?" He gestured to the frozen Shigaraki. "Tomura will be my successor, not you. But he needs someone to whisper in his ear when I am gone. That is also not you." He cocked his head as he watched Dabi turn as blue as his own fire and released him. Dabi fell to the ground wheezing and panting. "Do you know who chose you, Dabi? It was me, do not think that I still do not run things. You are here to aid shigaraki in his battles, you are a soldier, less than that, and I cannot have you messing with our plans, because I will not hesitate to kill you, Toyua."

Dabi furrowed his eyebrows, the big shadow slowly disappeared into the dark. He wobbly stood up, everything began to move again, the television first, Dabi got distracted by it, then suddenly he was hit with his own fire, and Tomura his own energy. He flew and hit the door behind him, knocking him unconscious. Dabi's coat caught fire as he was thrown against the wall and fell to the floor.

He was not yet unconscious but left with a pounding headache, he laid spread out on the floor, the embering flames on his coat quickly burned away. He weakly groaned as he used his scarred palms to pick himself off of the scorched wooden floor. He could feel the split wood piercing his hand and grazing his palm. Dabi groaned as he stood from his knees to his feet while holding onto the wall.

He stood wobbly, his head snapped back at the Tv as something caught his attention. "...have been several people experiencing recurring nose bleeds all over town..."

Unfortuately, Dabi was in front of the door, distracted by the news again as the door was kicked open and hit him in the face. The sound of the wood door hitting his face could've scared a lion off. He fell back, the door collasped ontop of him and it took almost everything in Dabi's power not to pass out.

He angrily kicked the door off of him, head spinning and all, he stood up and just barely managed to keep his balance. Y/n stood in front of him, covered in blood, some shades lighter and darker, though it was all fresh. Dabi could handle blood, but he couldn't handle the anger rising up inside him.

"What--what have you done?!" What Y/n had done was open up herself to countless new threats.

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