8 // Paid Dues

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In advance, I apologize for any (or all) 'dry' chapters, I'm trying to wiggle back into my writiing habits after writing essays all summer.

There were many problems amongst Tokyo. ones emerging, ones already there. Such as the city, for example, was not safe anymore. There weren't enough heros or police to control the outlaws, the prison was almost at maxium compacity and heros were slowly depleting as more ended up in hospitals. More accidents happened because of the criminals, and more people abuse their right to use their quirk in defense.

Because of this; Aizawa being in the hospital unable to move, Endeavor took action and called in some people. Heros, to be exact. He couldn't leave the city unattended, he needed to secure it.

Thus, the kids, especially Shoto, had their asses glued to the couch, there was only so much space, some sat on the floor, others stood up behind the couch. But all of them had their eyes glued to the tv. The news and the reporter, all the clips of the city and how much of a mess it was. Then, to Endeavor, just him, the seat next to him appeared empty. The others, however started laughing at him, because of his slicked back hair and strange tux. How much this probably sullied him and his reputation as the number 1 hero, he did not know. They started to make fun of Shoto, then his father spoke and he shushed them.

"..I promised to protect no matter what it takes. Which is why I, and the city have come to a conclusion, and we're locking down the city. No one is leaving, and no one is coming in until we get this under control, as for our citizens, do not let your fear..."

Shoto stopped listening after that, he had heard what he needed to hear, and was done listening. He stood up from the floor and started for the door. At the same time, Bakugo was walking past with his boot and on his crutches, and Shoto definitely saw him but somehow they still bumped into eachother because he didn't move. Bakugo's crutch flew out his hand and he fell after losing his balance.

He wanted to use his quirk so bad, blow the door down and discard of the stupid crutches, unfortunately for him he was on strict instructions not to do any of those. So he yelled and cursed as the ohers helped him back to his feet. To which he swatted them away and managed to get up on his own, and once again discarding his crutches and limping over to the door.

"Bakugo! You need--you know what, why do I try." --Everyone's who tried to help him.

Elsewhere, there was limping Bakugo following Shoto down the hall. There was a point where he had to stop because his leg hurt so much. Just around the corner as he peered from it, Shoto was knocking on someones door. One very specific, rhythmic, knock. Then a girl answered and they hugged, and Bakugo felt inclined to take a photo, and that's just what he did. He took multiple.

"Oh Aizawa's gonna love this! Isn't he, Icy hot?!" Shoto nearly pushed her out the way and started sprinting towards Bakugo. He started hopping away but of course, he caught up and tackled Bakugo, grabbed him by his leg and dragged him until he was close enough to put into a headlock.


"Delete those pictures Katsuki!!" Except he couldn't speak and everything came out in a very strained yell, he started hitting and kicking.

"Shoto! Let him go, he turns blue!" So Shoto let go and Bakugo gasped and punched him. "You--fuckhead!" He coughed. Shoto stood up and went and grabbed his phone, it was locked so he squeezed it and his hand went up in flames as he stared at Bakugo and his phone then froze over.

"Dumbass, I have it saved in my Icloud! Now, your going to help me, or I'm--going straight to Aizawa, AND I'm going to tell Momo you were cheating on her!" He stood up, panting and leaning against the wall, the girl, who he assumed was Shoto's girlfriend, gasped and turned super red.

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