New Place, New Academy

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(TW: sad)

It was three in the morning on December 7th, and it was the scheduled date of Florian's family's movement. They had all been ready, except for one boy by the name of Florian himself. You see, while the family themselves were hardworking and diligent, Florian was the opposite. He was lazy, and a very, VERY late sleeper. (I definitely can't rela-) So you could image the utter shock when he woke up to the whole family about to get in their SUV with all luggage in the back, and him being the only one wearing pajamas. 

Florian's POV: 

"Why the hell are you still standing there?!" shouted me mother, scolding me for being the latest to wake up on this very normal- yet important day. Everyone was happy, but I was the opposite. My best friend, you see, had left me two days ago due to them finding another replacement, resulting in my replacement with another person. 

"You know what, Florian?!" said my older brother. "You're adopted!" 

At that moment, I started contemplating my life existence. It was like I never knew in the first place and I had found out about it, like the victim finding out the culprit was the least suspicious person all along. 

"Why didn't you tell me? After all these years.." I started sobbing, but their expressions remained unfazed. "Because a worthless person like you doesn't deserve to know!" I continued sobbing but no one seemed to even comfort me. The only thing I had was a almost-severely ripped off frog plushie. That seemed to be the only thing that made me feel better. 

I continued to hug my stuffed toy as my family then started the car, going to this new place called Paldea. I don't know what the thing about it was, but boy oh boy my parents were thrilled to move there. 

"You know, they have this boarding school which is perfect for Florian!" Not another boarding school, I sighed. "Stop!" I shouted, but to no avail. 

It was already late at night when we arrived at Paldea, and so the first thing my parents had done is drop off unlucky me to the boarding school. Unfortunately, there was an school something (I'm so sorry if you have trauma, so I decided not to say the word :(( ) happening so I helped some other injured children, brought them to the hospital and RAN like I was Usain Bolt. I saw another section have one of their boys missing and at that moment, a scream was heard which made me have a breakdown. 

I started crying in the hospital as a result of trauma, as the doctors asked me basic questions like where I had come from, etc etc. They then called some guy who then picked me up and put me into a limousine, introducing himself as Professor Turo, who then let me stay for the night. 

"You can stay here as long as you want," he said, putting a warm glass of milk on the bedside cabinet, turning off the lights. 

"Jeez, I've just moved here and I got trauma.."

Hi guys! Sorry for writing about the arrival part, if you have trauma then I feel sorry for what happened to you. It must've been devastating :((. But aside from how sad this fanfiction is considering it's the first chapter, I do hope you'll enjoy reading this. Have a nice day! 

(Florian's room is the background cover)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2022 ⏰

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