Chapter 2 (part 2) : The Encounters

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(One month later)

Ibrahim's POV:

Sunday evening and after noon is the only free time I get for myself. But usually we have a grand test on Monday to prepare. We just had mid terms done so we were technically free of burden. I spent my noon on a book I grabbed from the college library. Our neighbour from next door visited us, while mama chatted with her, I grabbed some fruits and nimko I could get to serve her. She was a nice lady always called me" son "but something still made her far far blow. "You remember last week when pari's mother died? Well... I know they are financially weak, but still the way they treated their guests was not right. We weren't really offered anything. Not even a proper meal! Who does that these days? Even the poor can afford as much as that you know. And rather than having a dua for her later she walked in homes telling she's holding a dua where we are supposed to recite at... HOMES? . It hurted me really. That kind woman deserved a proper funeral.. "
First of all this woman was gossiping behind her and secondly that too on a matter of death like it was nothing . How could she that? Before I could say anything mama spoke up
Well gul! I think she did whatever she could, she did the best she could. She's having a hard time... We should we helping her rather than making it more difficult for her. Look you are so wealthy... More than her, more than us. Dont you thi... "
"Stop bragging like that, I know you always help others with some sums ,but if she wanted money she could have asked us for it. Would we have denied? Of course not."
Thats it! I couldn't handle anymore. "look auntie, if you knew she was having a hard time then why didn't you help her despite being able to? First, you back bite behind her and then you're willing to make a great loss into a big problem for the poor?  So, now people can't even die in peace ?! and the sufferers can't even bid their loved ones bye without worrying about OTHERS meals ?! " okay, I think I spoke a little hard. But I don't regret a word. She always came and talked like that about everyone. I bet she even speaks about mom to others the exact same way. I only respected her because she was an elder. Otherwise I had already lost my care when I found she was the most literate woman around here. She was a very bad impression of an educated woman. I prefer my illiterate mama over her a million times. Mama glared at me and sighed. The woman was surely angry, "What is wrong with your boy? Is that what you taught him? Disrespecting your elders and that too a guest? Is this the way he speaks? And is this what he's learning in City? I don't think you should waste your money and time on him. Just get him to help his father already. "

I was bearing and swallowing down each word, it felt like venom. Before I could burst again, mama told me to leave and leave the matter to her. Seriously, what was wrong with her? I was studying on full scholarship and was earning my own pocket money too. And she knows all of it. It's just that she can't take the fact that her both sons were not interested in studying rather wanted to do business. So they keep roaming around the village without any concern. I just went into the room and lied down thinking about how unfair the world was. When someone one dies, it's a great time of pain and sorrow for the bearers but rather than praying for the goners they have to think about the visitors, the furniture to be arranged for a huge number, about their meals, about not leaving anyone uninformed, to gather a huge sum of money immediately or even about all the comments that they would give while they gather later. It's just so..... Wrong.

The society should be the one helping them out rather than dragging them down. WE are both the sinners, cruel souls and the bearers. We need mercy. On ourselves.

Hania's POV:

If I say that it's the weirdest and life changing day of my life, I won't be wrong.
Our session had exams this coming week so my routine was hectic. I was not the topper of my class but I was definitely a good scorer probably among top five. I had urdu language's test tomorrow which I found hardest as a subject. Every one in the family was going out for hiking and barbecue but I decided to stay back to prepare for the test and also because I wasn't feeling well due to my periods. As everyone left in the morning I locked the gate,  took my book and started preparing the test but it was easier than I thought. I was done with it within an hour. I rested a bit and then started washing the dishes. It was fine at first but then I started hearing some voices... Like..... Like whispers.

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