𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫

Mulai dari awal

— Anyone need a cough drop?

Then Sasha gave up and sat next to the toad.

— Welp, enjoy everyone.

You are all finally eating. And the food was very tasty! Hop Pop has clearly learned how to cook.

— Mmm, it tastes so fresh. You must tell me which frogs you extort for produce.

Okay, that was dark.

— Um. We are frogs.

— Oh, right. Yes... of course...

There was an awkward silence.

— So, anyone wanna hear a joke?

Oh no.

— How many toads does it take to screw in a mushroom light?

How many? — asked Grime in a menacing tone. Oh shit.

— None! They prefer utter darkness and the smell of blood!

HOLY SH-- HOP POP WHY ARE YOU-- you saw Grime raise his hand and growl. No, no, no, no, no. But suddenly he just pats him on the back and laughs.

— Oh, it's so true! Good one, small frog!

You all laughed, and you continued to eat calmly.

— Seriously, this food is good!

— Gotta give it to Hop Pop. He knows his way around the kitchen.

— Man, Sash. I can't get over your armor. It totally suits you.

— I know, right? Way better than that dorky, medieval school play we were in. Remember how I convinced you guys to skip rehearsal and hang out on the roof?

— And we had the loudest dance party?

— Ha! Classic. Why'd we stop doing stuff like that?

— Well, when we got caught, Anne took the blame and said it was her idea.

— My parents grounded me for a month...

— Oh yeah... forgot about that...

It's... pretty sad. You wonder how many other situations like this have happened?

— Say, um... who's up for a rousing game of drawsidoodle?

Grime suddenly stands up and...

— I LOVE DRAWSIDOODLE! — he thumps on the table and it bends, throwing you all away.

— Oh, my back...


You all entered the house. And you agreed in ADVANCE with the girls that you would not play/take part in competitions/etc., because you are simply not interested in it. Everyone sat down in their places, and you settled down next to the... vol-cake-no? Is that what it's called? You just took out your phone. Grime was the first to draw. And he drew something like... honestly, it looks like rocks with eyes and legs to you.

— Bullfrog Ballet!

— The Marshland Marathon!

— You know what this looks like?

— That pep rally where the band got trapped under the stage and--

— A certain ant queen and her hive, — said Anne.

— Oh, my gosh. Totally! Do you remember, [Y/n]?

— Yeah. Very... similar, — the drawing didn't look like it. You just kept drinking orange juice (don't ask where it came from).

𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐬 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang