❅ 7: The New Regime

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When I woke up the next morning, it was still dark outside. I lifted my head off of the pillow and blinked a few times as my eyes adjusted to the dark room before reaching for my phone. I was stopped short by Riven's arm, which wrapped tightly around my waist as he snored on beside me. His grip was firm, and I didn't want to try moving his arm and risk waking him up. I assessed the situation briefly before sliding my body upwards slightly and reaching toward his bedside table. I shifted forward once more edging towards the table some more before I was able to reach my phone. Riven reacted to my sudden movement and groaned lowly, making me freeze instantly. He shifted slightly before reaffirming his grip and yanking me back downwards onto the bed before returning to his slumber.

"Okay," I whispered, feeling his chest rise and fall into my back, before tapping the black screen in front of me.

The screen lit up revealing the time to be three-thirty. I bit my lip looking back at Riven's tranquil form before looking back at my phone. As much as I wanted to wait the two hours before he was expected to get up for warm-ups, I did not want another awkward post-sex run-in with Grey. His smug expression every time we ran into each other at our dorm was absolutely mortifying and only became worse when Sam would ask what was going on.

I sighed before reaching for Riven's fingers on my waist, carefully prying them off one by one before starting to lift his arm over me.

"Damn," I whispered incredulously. Riven's strength was not all that unexpected given that he was one of the better specialists but I had not expected it to be to this level; it felt like I was trying to lift a boulder off of me. When I'd finally gotten his arm over, I slowly set it down on his bed beside him before carefully rolling out. The floors in his room were cool, a stark difference from the heated floors in my own suite. Grey was telling us he had lucked out getting placed in a fairy dorm since the specialist ones were comparable to medieval jail cells. I spotted my jeans and sweater sprawled on the floor across the room and padded my way over to them, reaching for them hastily. I pulled my jeans on in seconds and had just slid my head through my sweater when I heard his voice.

"You heading out?" Riven said, his voice gravelly from sleep.

I paused for a moment before sliding my hands through my sleeves, pulling my sweater down over my stomach, "Yeah, classes start back up today and I'll be following Sam around for most of the day so I'm heading back now."

Riven paused for a moment, stretching and rubbing his eyes before sliding out of his bed, "I'll walk you out,"

I waited for him to make his way over to me before I pushed the door to his room open. It was then that I realized Sky had never returned to their room tonight. It was probably nothing though, Riven had mentioned before that Sky had his moments of being more withdrawn and introspective.

It wasn't long before we reached the entrance to his suite and I pulled open the door to let myself out, but not before stopping him in the door way, "As much as I appreciate you walking me out, you should probably think about putting some pants on next time."

Riven looked down groggily before realizing that he was just in his underwear and chuckled before pulling me forward into a kiss, sliding his hands down to the small of my back. We separated after a moment and I bit my lip trying not to smile.

"I'll text you," he whispered letting me go and I waved him a goodbye before starting down the hall and hearing the door to the suite shut.

Just before I could reach the turn of the hallway, I was stopped in my tracks by Beatrix who leaned casually against the wall, staring me down with her piercing eyes.

"You know I'd wondered why Riven hadn't called or texted me in so long but I'd never suspected that it was because he had a new toy to play with."

"It's literally three in the morning, why are you creeping around the halls like a weirdo?" I shot back to her, stepping around her towards my own hall.

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