❅ 12: Party or Die

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Song of the Chapter; Escapism by Raye 


"Sam, it's not funny, I actually thought I was gonna be one of the X-men when I first channeled in elementary school," I explained as Sam tried to hold in his laugh beside me.

We were in our last Alchemic Botany II class of the semester and Professor Harvey had told us we could do whatever we wanted for the period so long as we were quiet enough for him to grade our finals.

"I'm sorry, i'm sorry but an X-men? It just sounds ridiculous," Sam didn't bother holding in his laugh anymore.

"You can walk through walls and turn rocks into diamonds, yet me being a superhero sounds ridiculous to you?"

"Hm," Sam looked up in thought for a moment, "Actually, yeah, that's fair."

The cacophanous ringing of the final bell signaled the end of our last period, and we began to pack up our books as Professor Harvey gave us well wishes for the summer.

"Can you believe this semester is finally over," I said to Sam as we walked out of the classroom.

"It's funny to hear you say finally like you haven't been at this school for just two months," Sam mocked me with a tilt of his head.


"The real question is what you are going to do about..." Sam looked around brashly, failing a his attempt to remain inconspicuous, "You know who?"

I feigned confusion at his question, "Voldemort?"

Sam shot me a sideeye, clearly indicating that he wanted to be serious, "You know who I mean. Prince Orion."

"Why does everyone keep asking me that? What am I supposed to do, just walk into the high Solarian palace and announce myself as the secret, undead son of the Prince? Who would even believe me?"

"Maybe he will. I mean you look exactly like him... well maybe a decade younger but still," Sam reasoned, "Why not try?"

"Honestly, I don't even think I want to get to know him. I've been talking with my birth mother everyday ever since last week and from what she tells me he seemed like a pretty chill guy until..."

"You were born," Sam finished, seeming to understand my point.

"I don't want to be around someone who ever thought of me as a burden. I never say it but it feels like shit to know I was never even supposed to live this long," I say, tilting to my head to one side.

We turn to the west staircase by the classroom door and I'm surprised to see Riven leaning against the stone wall, a cloud of vapor puffing out from his lips as he stuck his vape in his pocket.

"Hey you," he said reaching up to grab my chin and tilt my head up, getting a full view of my face.

"Hey," I blushed, pulling the book that lay in the crook of my arm up to my chest as his earthy scent filled my nostrils.

"I'll see you later, I guess." Sam raised his brows knowingly.

"Bye Sam," I waved to him and Riven watched him phase down through the staircase before turning back to kiss me.

I indulged him for a moment, letting his tongue part my lips as his hands reached down to my back. The sweet peachy flavor of his vape that lingered in his mouth was almost dizzying as our breaths became shared. Thinking that he'd successfully distracted me, his hands slowly started to reach lower and I smiled against his lips.

Winter Boys ~Riven ❅ Fate the Winx SagaМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя