Turn 11: The Time

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Ibuki and the others are now on their way back to Gear Chronicle's base. Like before, it will take a day but a couple of hours left then Dran can use the time stop skill once again...

Dran: "You're not sleeping?"

Ibuki: "No... I'll just stay here and get some fresh air."

Dran: "Considering how tough the battle was, I was surprised that you're still awake."

Ibuki: "I can't sleep when he is in this situation. We really need to head back as soon as possible."

Dran: "I know, don't worry... my time stop skill will come in a few hours."

Ibuki: "So, we just have to extract the Messiah Flower's power and then it will also extract the toxic from his heart?"

Dran: "Yes, that's right."

Ibuki: "Well then..."

At the Astronaut Hospital

Tokoha: "How is he?"

Prof. Lily: "As I expected, the toxic will react once again if it hits 90%. He is okay now but it has reached 99%. So one percent left until the gear attack comes."

Kazuma: "And we still have no news about Ibuki and the others."

Prof. Lily: "Time is running out, we really need them to come back here as soon as possible."

Tokoha: "How much time do we have left?"

Prof. Lily: "Once it reaches 100%, it will take time until all twelve gears to attack his heart. But..."

Tokoha: "Hm?"

Prof. Lily: "At first, I thought that it will take another week for those twelve gears to crush his heart. But it turns out that it only need 12 minutes. One minute for each gear..."

Tokoha: "What?! This is bad..."

Planet Cray

Shion: "By the way Aichi, can I ask you a question?"

Aichi: "Hm, what is it?"

Shion: "About that skill... when you became one with Blaster Blade. How can you do that? It's like when we imagined ourselves as a Vanguard but this time, for real."

Aichi: "Well, it's a long stoy but I'll make it short."

Shion: "Yes..."

Aichi: "I have this thing called PSYqualia. Let's just say that it's the skill where I can communicate with the units back then."

Shion: "You're able to communicate with the units?"

Aichi: "That's right, I can also see the future of a cardfight. So I know how it will end up and who will win it."

Shion: "Really? That is such a powerful skill."

Aichi: "Although, Kai proved it to me that's not the case sometimes. It can be wrong too."

Shion: "So Kai knew about this as well?"

Aichi: "Yes, it's a long story and a little bit underwhelming as well. We considered PSYqualia a bad thing back then. Since you know, I used its power to win cardfights even though I can win it on my own."

Shion: "Ah I understand..."

Aichi: "But, due to some events I realized that it's not as bad as we all thought. It saved me a couple of times as well. Like today, for example. I managed to became one with Blaster Blade. Thanks to PSYqualia, I managed to build a great connection with Blaster Blade."

Vanguard: The Messiah Flower Where stories live. Discover now