Turn 8: The Mission

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Ibuki and the others arrived on planet Cray. It's their first time being on Planet Cray so they wanted to explore everything first. But then, Chrono Dran approached them...

Dran: "You all have arrived."

Ibuki: "Yeah, are the other astronauts arrived yet?"

Dran: "Not yet but we can sense that a rocket is approaching. So you have sent them afterall."

Ibuki: "Yeah..."

Shion: "So the mission has started. How can we get to the Messiah Flower?"

Dran: "Right, come with me!"

They both went to the Gear Chronicle base. There they'll talk about the other details of Messiah Flower and also how to get it...

Dran: "Your rocket will soon arrive. Once they have, I'll stop the time..."

Aichi: "So you can really do that?"

Dran: "Yes, one day here equals 10 days on Earth. You guys will spend around two days here so you'll definitely not make it in time."

Shion: "That's right."

Dran: "So here's how we can get to the Messiah Flower."

They'll now observe what the plan is and hopefully this will not take too much time...

Dran: "The Messiah Flower is located at an ocean near Star Gate and Dark Zone nation. I'm sure you know about the river near here, the same river that Chrono used to fixed me."

Ibuki: "Yes, we heard that."

Dran: "Now, we just need to follow that river. Then, once we arrived at the ocean, that's when we will go under it..."

Miwa: "We go underwater?"

Dran: "That's right... and of course. We'll have to prove to the guards that we are worthy of getting the Messiah Flower. Once we do that, you all take it back to Earth... and used it's power to heal Chrono..."

Ibuki: "What should we do with it to use it's power and heal him?"

Dran: "Put it inside a tube... let the flower do it's magic and the toxic should get out from his body."

Aichi: "I see..."

Ibuki: "Now, what's the plan? I'm sure it will not be an easy trip."

Dran: "I just called the other units from the same nation. Dragonic Waterfall..."

Kai: "That unit?"

Dran: "Tetra Drive Dragon..."

Miwa: "Aqua Force..."

Dran: "Gauntlet Buster Dragon..."

Naoki: "Alright!"

Dran: "Blaster Blade..."

Aichi: "My avatar?"

Dran: "And of course Altmile and Ahsha."

Shion: "Nice."

Dran: "We have built a boat as well that we can use at the river and ocean as well. We'll use that to there as well... we'll go there in once the rocket and the other units have arrived."

Shion: "Seems like you have really prepared all of this nicely."

Dran: "Of course, like I said before. I'm responsible for this situation and I have to do everything I can to help him. Or else... I'm not going to forgive myself."

Shion: "And like we said before, don't blame yourself on this. We're in this together and we'll save him together."

Dran: "Yeah..."

Vanguard: The Messiah Flower Where stories live. Discover now