Space Girl

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The news was playing.

"And so, even though the catastrophic events that have taken place today have damaged our city, it has strengthened our people. We have no one to thank, except our glorious heroes, The Exiles & friends," The News anchor said as a picture of the broken city played behind her. "This is Trish Oswald, signing off for the night."

As she signed off, something in the background caught the viewers eyes. Something fast jolting into the atmosphere, it easily could have been a shooting star. Not many folks thought too much about it. But they should have.

That bright light in the sky that night wasn't a shoot star or a meteor. In fact, it was a girl. Her skin was dark, covered in day-sky blue markings & there was a bright aura coming off of her skin. She was not from Haven City, not even from this world. She was an alien that crashed into Hemsway Park. Her crash alerted the Exiles.

She raised to her feet as if falling hundreds of thousands of feet with nothing to break her fall was nothing. She nearly brushed off the pain in seconds. The girl looked around, amazed. The city she landed in was just like her home, but yet, so different.

She continued to scan her surroundings & her eyes landed upon a middle-aged woman with a young child. The older woman screamed at the top of her lungs as the alien flew up to her.

The woman began to try running away, but the alien flew up to her too fast to give her a chance to run. The alien did not harm the woman & her child, rather, she placed her hands near the woman's face, avoiding physical contact. Her hands began to glow a yellowish color as a purplish blue light surrounded the woman's upper body. The alien closed her eyes as she focused on the woman.

The alien suddenly pulled her hands away from the woman as if she was ashamed of her actions.

"Sorry, am I speaking the correct tongue of this land?" The alien asked as she held her hands up, showing her peace. Her hands had blue fingertips that slowly faded into her actual darker skin colors.

The woman slowly nodded her head. She was still freaked out by the sight of this woman.

"Don't worry, I was just reading your aura to learn of your language & culture," The alien said as she tried calming the women down. She continued to speak, "I apologize, upon acquiring other knowledge, I learned that personal space is important on this planet."

"This planet?" The girl responded, she was shielding her son behind her. "As in, you're from another?"

"Correct," The alien said. "My name is Seren Starr, or Daystar, from the Evite Species, former princess to Europa in the Andromeda Sub-Galaxy."

The woman just stared at Seren with a confused look.

"Please don't feel bad if you cannot process the information I am giving you, I know alien migration patterns have been prohibited on this planet since... well since wiccan & magic was still on this planet," Seren said as she continued to look around. Seren noticed the little boy hiding behind the woman, he was scared & tears streamed from his face. Seren desired to make him feel comfortable too, "Young one, watch this."

Seren grabbed the boy's hand ever-so-gently & encased it with her other hand. She closed her hand for a second as she focused on passing her energy into the boy. The boy's aura started glowing purple, the color of fear. But as he noticed the glowing shining off of him, his aura began to shine a bright yellow, happiness.

Seren rose to her feet again & turned the matter more serious.

"Ma'am, I need to find the strongest authority on this planet, I fear that there may be danger on the horizon," Seren said as she took the woman's hand to expose her own purple aura to the woman. "I didn't mean to bring an unlawful battle to your planet, but as I was flying past your planet, I was blasted, & knocked into your atmosphere. I fear, those who wish for my demise may come here with malicious intent."

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