I was back to reality when I heard my husband’s irritated voice.

I just chuckled and went to him and kiss him. That's my way of calming him.

I know he likes it because his mood change in a snap.

“Let's go now should we?”

I nodded in agreement.

We will be having dinner with our parents. We haven't told them about my pregnancy yet.

And we plan to tell them about it tonight.

“What do you think will be their reaction?” I ask my husband curiously.

“I bet they will be very glad. My dad keeps on bugging me actually. He even teased me that I’m such a weak guy.” He then chuckled.


“Yes. He’s wondering why until now you are not yet pregnant.”

I can see proud expression in his face. I just shake my head. Boys will always be boys.

We arrived at the Kim's mansion.

I saw my parent's car. I suddenly feel excited. Maybe because of the hormone again? I never been close to them, so I guess, I'm right?

Taehyung and I are both excited to tell them the news. He open the car door for me and held my hand as I went out of the car.

We hold hand while entering their mansion.

I've seen this before and it never failed to amaze me. Their mansion is really a masterpiece.

We heard laughter as we reach the living room.

Upon seeing us, both moms went to us.

“Hi Jisoo, it's good to see you again!” Mommy Juhee gave me a hug.
(Taehyung’s mom)

“Hi my lovely daughter! I miss you!” My mom said then he hugs me tight.

“Since everybody is here, we can now go to the dining room.” Taehyung's dad said.

All of us nodded in agreement. We all went to the dinning room.

As usual, we talk about business.

“Jisoo you are blooming today. Don't get me wrong Jisoo, your beautiful even before but tonight you look more beautiful and in love?!” Mrs.kim said teasing me.

That caught everyone’s attention. My face heated because of the attention that I am getting.

“That’s how good I am in taking care of my wife. Right Wifey?” Taehyung said teasing me.

“Whatever!” I rolled my eyes.

Everyone laughed.

I look at my mom. I saw her smile. And that made me smile.

“I'm glad to see the smile on your faces. We all know that we are the one who force the two of you to marry.” My mom's eyes  teared up.

“Mom” I called her.

“And I honestly want to thank you for that Mom.” Taehyung said to my mom.

“Marrying her is one of the best things that happened in my life.”

My eyes widen.

I felt joy in my heart.

“Thank you Taehyung for that.” My dad said.

“No dad. Thank you for entrusting your daughter to me.”

I was so overwhelmed with what I am hearing now.

“And I think this is the perfect time to tell you a great news.”

We saw eagerness and curiosity in them.

My husband held my hand. He looked at me and assure me that everything is fine.

“Me and my wife will be having a baby!” He proudly announced.

All of them were shocked by the news.

“Wait wait Jisoo you're pregnant?” My dad ask to confirm what he heard.

I nodded nervously.

“Congratulations Jisoo!” Mrs.kim went to me and hug me.

Then all of them came to me to hug and congratulate me and Taehyung.

I can’t explain the happiness that I am feeling right now.

Everything is perfect. I never thought that this kind of feeling is possible.

I touch my belly.

“Thank you baby.”


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