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i opened my eyes, the familar greeting of the ceiling. i shut my alarm off and got up feeling an unusual amount of energy in me.

i got ready for school and went downstairs and said goodbye to my mom. before grabbing breakfast.



nevermind. i probably just didnt get enough sleep today. i put my headphones in and listened to me and jisungs playlist we made together.

hold on, jisung?

yeah, jisung. my boyfriend.

oh yeah. my boyfriend.

walking in the school gates i noticed felix walking with changbin. my smile immediately brighten as i walked over there.

"hey guys!" they turned there heads and smiled, i finally caught up to them and asked. "what were you talking about?"

felix turned to me in a teasingly matter, "jisung." i turned to look at felix, my eyes suddenly wide in interest.

"wanna know what happened?" felix said and i nodded, ill take any chance i can get to tease my boyfriend.


i sat in my math class completely bored of my mind, my eyes wandered to the boy a few rows of seats away from me.

his chubby cheeks, his newly dyed brown hair, his doe like eyes, his pretty heart shaped lips, god. hes so pretty.

apparently i was staring to hard and he looked at me, i looked away fast. feeling my ears burning as i felt the embarrassment of being caught.

god, i was so inlove.

forgotten petals, minsungWhere stories live. Discover now