.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ 011 *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙.

Start from the beginning

"no, of course not, dear!" Dovey reassured her. when Y/n reached the last step Dovey looped her arm with hers and lead her outside. "you're going to train. with the boys." she patted her arm and walked until the boys came into view.


"ah, professor Thomas!" Dovey called out. "just the man i was looking for."

Dovey dragged Y/n with her to professor Thomas. he had short black hair and a dark stubble. he looked quite young but not young enough to be a student.

"headmaster Dovey! to what do i owe the pleasure of your visit?" professor Thomas smiled. he finally took notice of Y/n, who was looking at the weapons with awe. "and who is this young lady?"

"this is Y/n!" Dovey introduced her. Y/n looked at Thomas and reached her hand out for a handshake.

he took her hand and shook it. "i'm professor Thomas, i teach the princes here how to fight." he motioned to all the boys with swords, bows and arrows, some with daggers and such.


"back to my question. what are you two doing here?" Thomas asked Dovey.

"oh, right!" Dovey smiled brightly as she grabbed Y/n by the shoulders. "you're going to be teaching her from now on!" she squealed.


Dovey's words were so loud it caught the attention of the boys who were fighting. they stopped and looked at the three. Y/n heard a couple of guys whisper to their mates.

"a girl? no way!"

"she's out of her mind."

"this is... just weird."

Y/n paid no mind to them and only looked at professor Thomas, waiting for his reaction. "i apologise dean Dovey, but i have never trained a girl and from what i recall, there hasn't been a warrior princess before... ever."

"didn't Alice slay a whole dragon?" Y/n cut in remembering the book she got from Deauville's back home.

the professor stammered a little. "ye... yes, uhh, she did." he sighed. "take your pick." he said to Y/n with a monotone voice and motioned to the weapons behind him.

Y/n looked at Dovey and she gave her and encouraging smile and pushed her forward a bit. Y/n pulled up the front of her beautiful beige dress with a lace pattern on the top half and hesitantly walked to the boys.

she walked past a couple of them. most of the boys were glaring at her, some scoffed as she walked by and the others said nothing.

Y/n kept on walking until she reached the bow and arrows. "i'm pretty good with a bow and arrow." she turned to the professor.

Y/n liked learning new things and when she discovered swords and stuff like that, she fell in love with it. she practiced a couple of times with her mother and father before her mom died. Y/n practised every single day as she had nothing else to do.

she particularly like the bow. she could strike someone from the distance without them knowing and swords are just heavy.

"alright." he nodded. Thomas walked to her and picked up a bow that she could use and some arrows.

"thank you." she whispered.

"show me what you got." Thomas smiled and handed her the bow.

Y/n grabbed it with her left hand and took an arrow with her right. she positioned herself a couple of feet away from the target and brought the bow up.

she reached for an arrow and put it in its place. she pulled the string back and took a deep breath.

"i'm not training with a girl, no way." a boy whispered to his friend and his finger started to glow.

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