• Perfect Storm • | 3 |

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"I'll have dinner ready. I love you." Chris stalks off and leaves a very lovesick Quinn staring after him practically with hearts in her eyes. Once he's out of sight she snaps back to reality and turns to me."Okay, so how are you?"

"Um, fine?" I say in a more question-like manner. She quirks her eyebrow at me and puts her hands on her hips."What's wrong?"

I don't really wanna tell her that I'll be homeless in less than a week."Oh, nothing. Just tired." She doesn't look convinced so I repeat."I'm fine, I swear."

She just stays in the same position for about a minute starting at my soul.

I sigh realizing she's not gonna give this up."I'm late 3 months-"

"Oh my god your pregnant?" She whisper-yells and my eyes widen."God no, in rent. I'm 3 months late with rent. And I only have until Friday to pay up. That's 3 days away. Where am I gonna get that kind of money from?" Her face falls as I explain my problem to her. It felt good to actually share my problem with someone.

"Oh, sweetie." She rubs my arm soothingly before her face lights up."Wait, how about you stay with me and Chris? We have an extra bedroom in our apartment." I immediately shake my head no. This is ridiculous. I can't sit here and use her for somewhere to live. Maybe I shouldn't have told her anything.

"No, no it's fine, I can stay at a hotel and apply for a few more jobs an-"

"No, I will not let you be homeless. I have room and you need help, so take it." She pleads and almost gets me to agree before someone comes up to us.

"Hey, can one of you make this list of drinks?" One of the waitresses asks and Quinn looks at me with a worried expression before taking the paper with the orders. I sigh but don't get too cocky since I know she'll ask me later.

Tonight it's a slow night so there are not many customers. I look around and lock eyes with someone. Someone I seem to keep locking eyes with. He flags me over with two fingers and I hesitantly make my way over.

"Hi, what can I-"

"I heard." I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion at first but then remember the conversation that me and Quinn just shared. I look down at my feet in hopes he won't ask me about it.

"Look at me." His voice slices through the air like a knife to a grape. I really can't look at him, or anyone for that matter. It's not only my business and my business only, but other people knowing? It's embarrassing. I can't even keep my own home.

I'm a failure...

I feel someone's finger lift my chin up and once again, I lock eyes with him."I said look at me, Bellissima." He says with a deep demanding voice and this time I obey.

"Why didn't you take her help?" He asks and I know why. It's obvious. If I take her help then there's a bigger chance of us becoming closer and she'd get tired of me eventually. They always do.

"That's my business. Can I get you a drink?" He squints his eyes and crosses his arms leaning back in his chair."Tell me. Why didn't you accept her help?" He repeats and I know that he won't give this up.

I sigh and begin to explain why."Because it's my problem and I'm better off on my own. I'll figure something out." I mumble as I play with my fingers mindlessly. His gaze softens when he looks at my hands on top of the counter."Well if you won't accept help from her will you accept it from me?" I look up at him with shock filling my face and mind.

I shake my head in hopes he would order and drop the conversation."Do you need a menu? We have a few spec-" He gets up and ducks under the counter entry and drags me into a closet behind the bar. He turns on the light and shuts the door."I'm getting tired of repeating myself, belissma. But since you don't know my rules I will say this one more time, will you accept my help if not hers?"

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