especially in the middle of writing, cause if i forget what i was about to write i'll be more than furious.

sighing, i grabbed my notebook and made my way towards his office. i knocked on the door and came in as i heard a distant voice welcome me.

"have a seat, mileena." i took a chair, awaiting to hear why he needed me so suddenly.

"you're aware of the status on your recent story, correct?"

"mhm." i hummed.

"good. i want you on another story but this one requires a more delicate touch." he handed me a folder. "that's who i need you to write this story on."

there was a girl, and the first thing i noticed about her were her cold eyes.

"at just twelve she was brought into an insane asylum by a call her mother made. the mother was in complete shock and said not one word prior to the police call." he raised his eyebrows.

i glanced at him, "what happened?"

"once the police arrived, they found the girls father on floor with exactly 66 stab wounds. the little girl was in a corner, covered in blood, and all the lights in the house were out. if i had to explain what happened that night in two words i'd say, the devil." tears formed at the appalling spiel.

"i appreciate you giving me this story but no. i'd like to keep my soul and dignity. i'm a child of god and i'd like to keep it that way." i stood and nodded a fair well before continuing to exit his office

"mileena, i've gifted you this story because your writing is beyond admirable. you portray a different side to people that no one could quite grasp. i'm asking that you please give this a try."

hell no

i paused at the door before giving it a second a thought. this story could potentially put me at the top but then again..

the negative energy i'm feeling is unpleasant.

"i'll think about it." is all i said before walking out of his office. it was late and no one was in the office, that case was the last thing i needed to hear.

i began to finish the last sentences of my previous story, typing as fast as i could when i felt a slight breeze brush past my ear.

i didn't think anything of it, it was always blistering cold in the office. the amount of times i've complained about it is ridiculous.

but no man ever wants to listen to a woman they'd rather freeze to death it's pathetic really.

i continued writing, my mind and fingers working as one while my thoughts flowed onto the article perfectly.

and yet again i felt another breeze. i felt a presence but it was impossible. there was no one in the office except me.


i checked my surroundings to see no one forcing my heart to increase at the thought that i was going insane.

that i was hallucinating, and that scared me. especially with the situations my mother faced. it was horrifying to even think about.

i quickly packed my items and made my way towards my car.

but just as i opened my door someone bumped into me forcing me to drop all my papers onto the wet ground.

i closed my eyes trying to calm myself down. it would be irrational to lash out. they didn't mean to mileena, i thought to myself.

opening my eyes, i looked around trying to find the person who bumped into me but there was no one in sight.

nothing but a dark empty parking lot

i back tracked glancing around the parking lot once more making sure i felt what i felt and saw what i saw.

something was happening to me and i knew it wasn't holy. everything was fine until that damn haunting story.

but something wasn't making sense.

never had i once thought demons and ghost were authentic. like the myth of santa claus there were various different stories about them that just didn't add up.

to believe in god meant you had to believe in the devil, the one fallen angel.

but to believe, you're casting a sense of aspiration for the rising of the underworld, hell.

i glanced at the passenger seat; at the wet paper's and the picture of  "the little girl" fell into the stream of my vision. as i picked up the folder, it began to rain. hard.

there were pictures of the girl from different time periods, the most recent one catching my eye.

she was alluring to say the least. her rigorous blue eyes had a narrative of their own. they told a thousand words whilst saying none.

they were simply enrapturing.

i tore my eyes away from the folder and turned on my car. i began my journey home disobeying all speed demands as i flew past cars.

it was reckless of me, speeding across the wet road but i needed to be home. there was this unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach i couldn't quite define.

i opened the door to my apartment, locking the door behind me.

i loved living alone, i could do anything i pleased without hearing an opinionated response but at this exact moment i loathed everything about it.

i had this aching feeling of darkness.

i placed my papers on the counter and looked around my apartment not hesitating to turn the lights on, but to my surprise they weren't working considering the vast storm outside.

to say i was scared would be an understatement.

everything was silent, everything was still. as the thunder roared, lightening began to form illuminating my building in a flashing neon white.

as i stared into empty space, my mind began to wonder off to the little girl.

how scared she could of been. if i knew any better i'd think the mother did the stabbing. there's no way a little girl could do such a thing.

how could a twelve year old girl be capable of murdering her seven foot father. not to mention the many stab wounds they found on his body.

if it was her, there had to be a motive behind it. no little girl would just willingly kill their parent for the sake of it, there had to be a reason.

i reckon i was thinking to hard about the subject because i felt light headed, dizzy.

sitting down didn't help not one bit because soon everything began spinning and before i knew it i was engulfed in a unwanted darkness.

after what felt like hours later, i was awoken by a strident thunder clap.

with my body glued to the mattress, my eyes moved friegthtendly. i tried my very hardest to rise but it felt like a thousand men were pinning me down.

i could do nothing but stare at the ceiling. a sheer layer of sweat began to form on my forehead in fear.

my muscles were stiff failing to follow my command.

it happened often, there would be days where i would be stuck in a paralytic state for what felt like hours but this time it was different. something was off.

moment after moment, i waited. waited for the curse to end. waited for my paralysis demon to release me but i stood astill.

it felt like hours as i laid in immeasurable darkness. a single tear running down my cheek.

i closed my eyes but they were pried open. a haunting scene presented before me. with my heart racing at an animalistic pace, i forced my eyes shut.

but opened them as i heard a voice. one that guided me out of the darkness, and told me exactly what i needed to do.

authors note: initially i was planning to stop writing but my mind went against my favor thinking of countless imagines. i love this book and i hope you enjoy reading it.

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