Chapter 11 ~No~

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Outreach day, a day that Mrs Weems seemed thrilled about. Supposably it was a day, a mandatory day, when the students of nevermore had to go into Jericho and volunteer at different shops. Mrs Weems was one of the main and top tier people who gave money to Jericho.

Small booklets we're disposed to everyone, big bold letters on the inside of the booklets read, 'Pilgrim World' looking back up to Wednesday who rolled her eyes at the whole fiasco. Who truly wanted to work in a town full of outcast haters, as an outcast?

The two girls quickly made their way towards the bus in silence. Everyone else was being quite loud making the bus unbearable.

Everyone was quickly skipping around trying to get to their destinated shop. Wednesday and Juniper quickly both looked for Enid. Seeing what she had gotten, "Juniper switch with me" Wednesday stated holding out her booklet, an old creepy antic shop that just looking at the pictures made Junipers skin crawl.

"What? No!" Juniper pulled her booklet closer to her chest, the antic shop was the perfect definition of Wednesday Addams. "Why on earth would I switch with you? It's not a fair trade!" Juniper stated as the three were all quit close to each other. Enid nodded her head agreeing with Juniper, "Well I asked thing to see what Ajax got, he also got the antic shop, but it you don't want it" Wednesday shrugged holding out the booklet with a small smirk.

"We also just need to find out more about the guy in the picture" Enid said shrugging her shoulders.

"And we need to talk" Enid added on quietly to Juniper who rolled her eyes snatching the booklet from Wednesdays hands, handing her the pilgrim world one. "You owe me, both of you" Juniper grumbled dragging her feet to the shop.

This was going to be a long day.

Author Note
Idk y but I have
hella motivation
so I'm taking advantage
of it! Splitting this
up into two chapters just

Also if you notice a Grammer
or misspelled words pls
lmk so I can fix it! I want
this story to be perfect
so pls lmk!

Alexithymia.        '~Ajax X Oc~' Where stories live. Discover now