Wake up.

894 14 3

1985- november 17th- 12pm
I quickly fell asleep with James holding me, I ended up holding him. Guess he's the type that prefers to be held.

"Mmm, James wake up.." I pat James on his waist, he was shirtless. I remember him falling asleep with a tank top on. James rolls onto his side to look at me, he just stares at me.

James gets out of his bed without saying anything and starts blabbering to Kirk and Lars. Ouch. After what we almost did last night, did he suddenly not like me? Did I upset him by not wanting to do what he wanted immediately?

I just lay back down. I felt upset. Did I do something wrong? Say something wrong? Did I embarrass him?

I have my head in my pillow about to sob. I want to call Jess to make her come pick me up but I'll wait a bit.

"Hey. Sorry I kinda just left. I don't have any good cooking or baking experience but here!" James smiles handing me a bowl of cereal, it somehow happens to be my favourite too! "Aww... Thank you James! I thought I upset you or something..." I grab the cereal from him, but get up to go to the kitchen.

"Oh no I'm not mad at you. Sorry if it seemed like that.." He trails behind me into the tiny kitchen. I take a seat at the island, sitting across from Kirk. Kirk is actually really pretty, I like his crooked little smile.

"Hey Y/N! You sleep good?" Kirk winks to me after asking. "Kirk..." I sigh into my palm, "Yes I slept well. Did you guys?" I ask bringing my head back up.

"We slept very well." Kirk glances to Lars who just looks like an angry toddler. "Kirk shut up no one wants to listen to your annoying ass." Lars snaps at Kirk.

"What happened?" I whisper to James, "They got into an argument about something stupid. I don't know what, probably about who slept where on the couch." James whispers back grinning.

I finish eating my cereal and place the bowl in the sink, "I have to call Jess, she'll pick me up." I head over to the phone. "Why you gotta leave so soon? I was gonna go somewhere you might've wanted to go!" James cries to me, "Like where..." I squint my eyes at James, I'm curious now..

"Oh you know, just some plain old guitar stores... maybe get some new picks... maybe even a new guitar.. borin' stuff!" He blabbers. "...Maybe I'll stay. I still gotta call Jess. I need to be back to my home by at least 3, we were gonna go out somewhere tonight." I reply to James picking up the phone, he just smiles at me, then at Kirk giving him a thumbs up.

"My god no one cares about your dumb girlfriend James." Lars whines to James, "Uh... she isn't my girlfriend.." James looks at Lars puzzled. "Oh really? What about last night? "Oooh James! James! Just you groaning too."" Lars mimics me and James last night, I look over in shock, Kirk looks like he's gonna laugh his ass off.

"LARS WHAT THE HELL!! THAT WASN'T WHAT YOU THINK. What is wrong with you today?!" James shouts at Lars, I think Jess could overhear the commotion. "He's a god damn toddler!" Kirk laughs at Lars who is just sitting in his chair cross armed.

"Hey James. I just got off the phone with Jess. I need to be back by at least 4 but preferably 3, that okay? We can go other places as long as we leave like... now." I tell James. "Yeah that's alright. Follow me." James drags me away.

"Don't get too caught down each others throats." Lars shouts at us, I wish we would.

"I don't have much that'll fit you. I assume the outfit from yesterday is too boring for you." James rummages through his dresser. He pulls out jeans and a band shirt, "Black Sabbath. Nice." I tell James grabbing the shirt. "These jeans were too small and shrunk a bit. Try 'em." He throws me the clothes.

He doesn't leave or look away, he just stands there looking at me. "Uhh... You gonna stand there forever?" I ask him. "Oh shit sorry. I don't know why I did that I just expected you to change right now. I'll leave." He starts to head out the door. "No. I don't mind if you stay as long as you look away at least." I bring him back in. He smiles at me and sits on the side of the bed opposite of me. I look over making sure he doesn't have a mirror or anything, he doesn't.

I put the pants on, "James do these look good?" I ask him, he looks at me, then the pants, then looks at me really shocked. "What? What's wrong? Are they that bad on me?" I ask him looking more at the pants. "No. No no no no. It's the fact you're just in your bra and jeans. It's hot. Try that tank top with the jeans." He tells me, blushing.

I absolutely didn't remember I was just in a bra. Well I guess James had to see early. I try on the tank top but I didn't like it. "James I don't like this. Can I just wear the Sabbath shirt?" I ask him. "Yeah of course. I just wanted to see it." He throws the shirt at my face and giggles a bit.

I slide the shirt on, I guess I'll just keep the tank top under it. We leave his room, it seems Kirk and Lars left, "Hm. Guess they left early." James enters the kitchen.

We leave the house and get into his car. "What kind of guitar you getting?" I ask him as we're driving away. "Who said I'm getting myself a guitar? I'm buying you an explorer." He smiles a bit. "Wait what? James those aren't the cheapest thing ever. You don't need to get me that. Don't waste your money on me please!" I whine a bit, I wouldn't want him to buy me something like that a day into knowing each other like this.

He just smiles at me and pulls in to a music store.

~V.I.P~ James Hetfield x (fem) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now