To Our City?!

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1985- November 16th.

"Y/N!! WAKE UP!" my roommate, Jess bursts into my room practically about to blow my eardrums out. "Whaaaaat." I check my clock, "Jess it's 9 in the morning what do you need!" I put my pillow over my face.

Jess opens my curtains "Rise and shine!". "GUESS WHAT!" she screeches again. "WHAT??" I yell back to match her tone. "Firstly, don't yell at me! Secondly, METALLICA IS COMING TO OUR CITY!" She shoves the tickets in our face, I'm assuming she bought them awhile ago and I somehow didn't know.  The ticket said they were coming... TONIGHT?!

Speaking of that, "I bought the tickets awhile ago! I'm surprised you didn't know! You always keep track of where they're going! Also, I have a surprise for you!" Jess dances around my room and falls on the end of my bed like a junior high girl crushing over a boy in her class.

"W-wait Jess slow down! I'm so tired and you're just spitting out words I can't understand. THEY'RE COMING TONIGHT?" I rub my forehead, out of excitement and tiredness. Jess gets up and opens my closet, "hmmmmm... Y/N I'm taking you shopping! We gotta make you look hot!" I pull the blanket off me and look in my closet "This. I don't need to go shopping for a concert." I pull out my Kill 'Em All shirt, some jeans and a leather jacket.

"No no no! We're gonna get you all glammed up and pull all the boys!" She tells me with a grin reaching ear to ear. "FINE. but at least let me wear a band shirt so I don't look like a groupie in whatever you're making me wear..." "YAY!!" She leaps into my arms and hugs me, I'm confused why she's so excited. I assume we won't be that close to the stage anyways.

"I'm gonna go get the car started, get ready so i can take you!" Jess finally leaves my room. I put on the outfit I pulled out my closet. I look in my mirror, "Is this not appropriate for a Metallica concert? Do i need to look hot?" I ask myself. But yet again I thought about it, maybe I might go along with Jess' plan.

Few minutes later 🤯

I head out the apartment, Jess is in the car putting on some lip gloss. You'd never think a girl like her is in to metal, she almost likes death metal. Basically all she listens to. "GOSH IT TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH!" she informs me kindly as I close the door. "Just drive." I look out the window watching as we slowly back out of our parking stall.

"AAA you're gonna look SO good in what I have planned out for you!" She tells me as we stop at a red light. "I'm scared." I let her know. God knows what outfit she's gonna make me wear, she's probably gonna make me look like a stripper.

We arrive at the clothing store and pull into a parking stall. "Hurry up!" Jess grabs my hand and almost makes me fall. "Wait was this the surprise you told me about? Making me look like this?" I question her. "No! This is NOWHERE near as awesome as the surprise I got you. It doesn't count for me but you're gonna absolutely explode when you find out." She has that sly grin on her face again, I don't know if I should be excited or scared for this surprise.

When we enter the store, all I can see if mini skirts and cropped tops. I can't believe what Jess is about to put me through "Jess I don't think I can do this..." I look around more. "Oh my god don't worry. We're gonna find something you like and something that makes you HOT!" she runs off to a skirt section. "Jess is this even good to wear to a concert??" I ask her. "YES YOU'LL BE FINE! Gotta look hot for James" she whispered that last part, I almost couldn't hear her.

"WHAT?" I yell, basically across the entire store, "what do you mean look hot for James?? JAMES HETFIELD!?" I'm starting to turn red, Jess knows about my major crush on James Hetfield, but what does she mean look hot for him?? The ticket said we we were gonna be seated far from the stage!

"Oops! I said that too loud didn't I... Welp now the surprise is ruined!" ... "I bought you a V.I.P ticket, somehow. Don't ask how. But you get to be basically on the stage you'll be so close, and you get to hang out with the band for a few minutes after the show. You also get a bit of time with James." She just giggled after telling me all that. No wonder she wanted me to look hot. Does she think James is just gonna bang me or something?

"Okay. Lots to take in. First off, THANK YOU JESS. I LOVE YOU YOU'RE THE BEST FRIEND EVER! Secondly, what about you??" I ask her. "Oh I'm not going! I don't like going to concerts, too many people. That ticket i showed you earlier was fake, I printed it at the library just to trick you." She smiles again. God I'm so pissed off but about to cry from excitement.

"Alright well now I'm helping you find clothes for me. I'm not complaining about lookin' good for James." I wonder off further into the store.

"Ooooh look at these Jess!" I show her black shoes, similar to Doc. Martins. "This would look good with it too!" I grab fluffy leg warmers off the table. "YES!! THERES YOUR SENSE OF FASHION!" she runs to another side and grabs a skirt that goes a bit above my knees, she knows it'll be comfortable for me.

"Go try this on. Incase you changed your mind about the shirt I snuck you a tank top that would look good. WEAR YOUR LEATHER JACKET OVER IT TOO PLEASE!" she basically shoves me into the changing room.

I finish putting on the clothes, I take a look in the mirror. My Kill 'Em All shirt is fine, but I feel it doesn't suit the outfit. I even tried with my leather jacket, it just isn't doing it for me.

"I'll put on the tank top..." I sigh to myself.

"Wow." I tell myself, this tank top did a lot. I actually feel the best in an outfit since forever!

"I'm buying it all." I tell Jess, running to the cashier. "This all for ya?" the grouchy cashier asked me. "mhm!"

"AAAAAH!! I'm so excited Jess thank you for dragging me into this!" I jump into the car hugging the bag of clothes. "Y/N when we're home you have GOT to show me the outfit. I can't imagine how hot you are, James is gonna be drooling over you all night!!"

We arrive home and I run into my room to put on the outfit, I look in the mirror and strike a few poses.

"Voila!" I exit my room showing Jess. "You just need some eyeshadow and you're PERFECT!!" "AAAAA I KNOW" Jess and I squeal together. "The concert is in like 2 hours girl! I'll drive you there." Jess hands me my actual ticket and V.I.P pass.

~V.I.P~ James Hetfield x (fem) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now