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In this story they are both nineteen 

Third Person Pov 

David grabbed darrian's shirt before pulling him close and kissing him with an immense amount of passion. David and darrian had known each other their whole lives from the time they were babies to now. When they were babies they often spent time together due to their parents being friends. 

When they learned how to walk instead of walking to their parents they walked to each other and in elementary school they stole each other's first kiss. Once they hit middle school they were each other's bodyguards they didn't play about each other ad everyone around them knew it. 

Once they hit high school they developed a love/hate relationship. The two would argue and their were times were they really wanted to fight each other. They both had a way of pushing each other's buttons in a way nobody else could. They claimed they hated each other but knew nothing would be the same. 

They knew life would suck without each other. Sometimes it felt like a switch was flipped one minute they were hugging then the next they'd be wrapping their hand around each other's necks. Soon they became famous and along the way they lost two people who really matter to them. 

Losing them caused the two to grow closer but they found themselves growing to close. Darrian grabbed david's waist and pulled him closer returning the kiss. Their lips began to move in sync and soon they found themselves on david's bed. Soon their hands began to roam each other's bodies. 

This isn't the first time this has happened. As their hands roamed each other's bodies they reopened old wounds causing them to bleed. It was as if their hands were blades that had cut the other deep creating wounds that hadn't ever fully healed. They were sure that the wounds wouldn't heal. 

They couldn't heal all because each other but they kept telling each other these types of actions made sense. They kept convincing themselves that it makes sense for them to kiss each other as if they were in love. It makes sense for them to still perform these acts even when the switched was flipped and they hated each other. 

Alright you guys so this book is based off my oneshots true love, the wound and it makes sense 

What do ya'll think so far? Do you think you'll like the book?  

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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