"It will be a great opportunity for River and Charlie to finally make their grand appearance as a couple," Natasha made the comment much too overjoyed for someone who should've been informed of the change of circumstances. A swift glance at her father, River concluded that Dexter did not tell Natasha about this.

"Darling, I forgot to mention this—River and I have come to an agreement that she will attend the ball with us as she had done in past years, and she will bring Charlie to the graduation ceremonies. Clash in the schedule, if I recall correctly."

Something close to annoyance flashed in Natasha's eyes as they settled on River. For a moment, she almost felt bad for the way she went behind her back and spoke to her father about this, then she reminded herself that she didn't know better at the time. Charlie made it seem as though Dexter was behind all of this hence River seeking out her father alone. She should've guessed it was all Natasha Hamilton.

"The seating plan had to be submitted on Monday, and I have already put down, River, to arrive with a plus one," Natasha sighed and seemed torn by the reality that her plan failed. The world could've crumbled and she would've worried about the seating plan going wrong. It almost made River chuckle—she certainly got her dramatics from her mother.

"I'm sure River can find someone to accompany her, right, darling?" Dexter turned to his daughter, who, without a second of a doubt, nodded to confirm. "Now that we have this figured out, I would like to toast to some great news."

Almost like Dexter had superpowers, the words of a toast summoned one of the waiters—Katie?—who more than happily poured them all some champagne. Nothing like a crisp glass of bubbly at this time of day brightened River's mood.

"Your mother and I have decided to give River complete authority and control over the Clubhouse," Dexter announced with a smile on his lips that brightened by the second. It was almost unreal to witness the genuine emotion on his face, the gesture now replicated on Natasha's lips as they both raised their glasses. "We could not have thought of a better suited person to look after this place, and bring it to a newfound success in the coming future."

"Well, this certainly deserves a toast," Dorian grinned as he toasted with their parents and encouraged River without a word to comply. "Congratulations!" he beamed at her. 

It was difficult not to smile when her brothers looked at her like she had discovered something completely new and deserved a Nobel Prize award for it. Considering her previous encounter with Dorian, she didn't expect him to act as though nothing happened or changed between them but it lifted the weight from her shoulders and River could finally breathe.

Jax nudged her and they touched their glasses for a toast, raised the drink then drank it in a couple of sips like they were taking shots.

River felt she needed to give a speech, a form of gratitude to appeal to her parents. She didn't think too much as she said, "I'm looking forward to getting more involved with the Clubhouse and its current developments, I think there are some really interesting things that could be brought in to appeal to a larger and more varied audience. I think it will be a great learning curve for me, and I appreciate the opportunity."

Something warm filled River's chest as she met both of her parents' eyes and they looked at her with love. Pride. Happiness. It didn't happen often—that they showed emotion so clearly—so River grasped at these moments and locked them away safely.

+ + +

After lunch, the family went their own way to continue on with their busy schedules. River decided to stay and enjoy a cocktail as she overlooked the field with the knowledge that this was hers. Truly hers. The thought caused her to grin like a mad woman. She had always been a part of something but she never had anything to her own name—not like this.

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