It was my second encounter with Jack that I knew I should be 100 feet away from him. His gaze was all lustful and all his gestures shouting his desires. I had no choice because it's only way for me to have roof. I didn't told my friends any of this as they would have told me to look for another place and done something which I couldn't repay them.
I managed to stay outside or in campus more and more. I even work extra time in cafe so I'll not go there and will not encounter with Jack. I one time tried to know his schedule so I can manage to stay out of his sight but I gained nothing.

"Kong, are you OK?" Rome, cafe owners son asked me.
"Yah Rome I'm totally fine." I said with smile.
"But you look awful buddy, like haven't got any sleep for days. You have been working extra hours also. Any problem?" He asked in concerned voice.
"Oh nothing much. Just projects and all college stuff. That's it.." I tried to be convincing but from his look I know he isn't convinced. But I'm glad that he doesn't asked anything.

We talked for sometime and then I again started working. He is food science student sometimes I envy small omega. I sighed on my own thoughts. Only 4 months, then I'll get my new job.. I completed my shift and returned to condo. I saw Jack standing infront of my door. I hid and watched him carefully. He looked drunk and spouting nonsense about me also cursing to someone loudly. I hid carefully but I scared I might get caught so I went out.

I called Aim. "Hey.. what's up?" He said.
"Hey Aim. Can I spend night at your place? Actually my bathroom's water pipe broke and now my whole room is mess. I called someone to fix it but they said they'll come tomorrow.." I said wanting to sound casual.
"Hey Kong, come over. You don't need to panic about it. I'll accompany you tomorrow.." He said. I disconnected call and sighed. Atleast he bought my reason.

I spend two nights at Aims place. Even though he is an Alpha, he has found his mate. And we are together from scool days, so it doesn't bothered me to stay at his place. But it was hell, as I had to lie him many times. But then I had no choice. So far I managed.
Next four months, I don't know how I survived with Projects, part time job and sleep deprived self.. But I survived.

Finally today is graduation day. Yesterday I stayed at Aim's place again as I don't wanted to see Jack's face on my special day.. I sighed.
"Hey buddy, what happened? you are sighing too much." He asked.
"Nothing much. I'm just exhausted. After this I want Holliday.." I said trying to lift mood.
"Cheer up Kong. We are graduating today.." Aim said cheerfully. He managed to make me smile by his antiques.

We reached at college where our graduation ceremony going to held. Once ceremony started my eyes widened looking at guest of honor. It's Arthit Rojnapat.
Our dean told that Mr. Rojnapat is student of our college but of engineering faculty. He was head hazar. I heard that head hazar are really strict. He was also valedictorian of his batch. Now I'm proud of my boss.

When his introduction ended our ceremony started. One by one all students were called. I was last to be called. I got my degree from Mr. Rojnapat as my dean announced me as valedictorian of my batch. I didn't know that I did this well..
I was happy. Mr. Rojnapat smiled and congratulated me while posing for photo. Well that's good, right? I thanked him and smiled back..

After ceremony we decided to celebrate. We went to club which Prae chose..
I'm totally going to get drunk today..
"So guys what's your plans?" May asked.
Everyone shouted, "Going home first thing in morning.." I didn't said anything, but then I don't have any..
"And Kong here is coming with me.." Aim said putting his hand on my shoulder.
"Umm Aim I can't.." I said awkwardly.
"But you promised.." He said.
"Yeah but.. but you see I got job offer and I'm soon going to join there.." I said. It's not full lie.

"You got what?" Everyone shouted at once.
"I got my mate.." Tew shouted. He is totally drunk now.. everyone ignored him and stared at me..
"You see I did internship in Ocean electrics and at farewell our boss.." I was cut by Maprang, "Wait you mean to say Arthit Rojnapat right?" I nodded.
"He offered us or rather gave us job in company.." I said.
"Oh my God Kong, that hottie offered you job.." Prae said teasingly. I rolled my eyes and said, "Not me, I said us. To me and Nai, the another intern.."

"God Kong your luck is on your side. You got job and then you got your degree by your boss. He freaking even smiled at you.." May said.
"Quit it already girls.." I said.
"So when are you going to join?" Wad asked. Actually I've month to join but I'm not gonna tell them this..
"Day after tomorrow.." I said.
After that we talked lot and got drunk..

At the end except me and Wad everyone was knocked out. Seriously Alpha like Aim and Prea also have low tolerance level than me. So we divided them and took them home. I dropped May and Prea at their condo first and then took Aim to his. I was having trouble to even stay steady so I decided to stay for night. I massaged Wad telling him everyone safely got home and slept..

I seriously doubt my intentions on getting drunk because I've high tolerance of alcohol and now I've headache. Aim is still dead asleep beside me. I saw it 9 in morning. I decided to do some shopping so I can have decent clothes for office.
I got out of bed and freshen up. I stucked note telling Aim that I'm going to my place. I went to my condo and took long shower. After that I make breakfast and ate in peace. I just wanted to relax bit today that's it.

My mood lifted after nice breakfast. I still have some savings by which I can buy some clothes and groceries or other necessary things. I got out of condo locking it, I wish I hadn't.
"Hello Kong.." Jack said licking his lips. I disgust this person.
"Hello Mr. Jack, how may I help you?" I tried to be polite.
"I'm here for rent.." He said smirking. I'm confused.
"Mr. Jack there I still one month to complete year and I've already paid one year's rent in advance.." I said.
"Yeah cutie but that before, recently I've increased rent. I wanted to tell you that but you were not home." He said. I saw his smirk grew bigger.

"So now I'm here for this month's rent." He said. Gotcha. You should really think before talking.
"This month's rent right. Ok Mr. Jack I'll pay it at end of month. If you don't have anything else excuse me.." I said and started going but he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him.
"What are you doing?" I shouted.
"Shh don't shout, otherwise I've to tell them that you were trying to seduce me.." He whispered in my ear. Where the fuck that even come from..

"What are you saying?" I asked him.
"You see Kongpob, I'm really trying to be decent with you so be good boy and talk nicely with me. About rent if you didn't paid it before month end I'll have to think other ways to get my pay.." He said last sentence moving his hand on my body. I pushed him and run from there.

I reached at park. I sat down on bench as I panted. I hate it. Why everyone is like this. I realized tears flowing down my eyes. I took deep breath and tried to calm myself. I sat there with eye closed. I smelled soothing scent.
I opened my eyes and looked towards person sitting beside me. He has mask on his face and have ice cream in his hand.

"Here it help you make everything right.." He said as he gave me ice cream. I already lost in his eyes took it. He sat there for sometime. I felt peaceful.
"I need to go back. It's nice meeting you." He said as he got up. I gave nod and he walked away. I sat there for some more time after fishing my ice cream.

After that I walked towards my condo. It's late evening. Tomorrow I'm going to join job. I made dinner and ate it peacefully. I realized I didn't opened that letter I received on farewell party. After dinner I took out that letter and sat on bed.
When I opened envelope it had two papers. One is letter and another is cheque. It's signed cheque with big amount. I frowned and opened letter.

It's appointment letter for Rojnapat industry, not OE.. oh my godd...
I looked towards name again and again. There must be some mistake. I should go and meet them regarding this..


Chapter 1 finished..

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