How To Save A Life

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I got up to be greeted with breakfast in bed. Whole wheat pancakes, turkey bacon and organic eggs. It was my favorite thing to eat. Our maid was kind enough to make me breakfast in bed. She liked me because I was the only one who didn't order her around. After I ate my breakfast I got ready for school. I went down stairs to find a note from my mom and dad. It read : "Lilly, your father and I are out of town for two weeks for a conference for your father work. We love you". Normal teens would throw a party when their parents were gone. I would rather have a study group and book reading. Just thinking that I felt nerdy. I went to the garage to get in my car. I got my Mercedes C300 for my birthday last year. I would normally put my top down on my car but it looked like it was going to rain. I got to school feeling weird inside. I felt like I needed to do something and fix something. I couldn't figure out what it was. I'm sure I was just thinking too much. I went through school that day feeling this upset feeling. I started to feel physically sick. I had to stay at school late that day for my drama and debate class. It was almost five o'clock by the time I got out of school. I stepped out side to find it was pouring rain. My friend stopped me to ask if I wanted to come over. My stomach still upset I told her I needed to go home. I ran to my car to avoid the rain which didn't work. I started driving down the normal road I took home to find it was closed because of the rain. It was hard to read the sign because of how dark it was getting and the hard rain. I took the other road that was out of the way but would get me home. It was an old road that was taking a toll on my car. I got down the road to see headlights in the distance. As I got closer I could see someone standing on the edge on the bridge. Was this it? Was this why I was feeling sick all day? What are the chances that the road I would take be closed and I have to take this one. I stopped my car as fast as I could in order to stop them. I got out and yelled, "Stop! Don't do it!" A young man with a face of pain and hurt turned and looked at me. I couldn't tell if he was crying or if it was the rain hitting his face. I started walking closer to try and help him.

" Stay back or I'll jump." The look he had was serious. Almost like he wanted to but was too scared to actually do it.

" I just want to help you. Why don't you come down and lets talk." I tried to console him to come down. He looked at me like he wanted to but couldn't.

" Yeah right who cares about me."

" If you jump I'll never forgive myself for letting you. Now get down from there now." He now looked at me as if he was afraid of me. He then slowly stepped down from the bridge. We go into my car because his had lost the keys to his.

" What is your name?" I had a lot of questions for him but I first wanted to know who he was.

"Logan. Logan Parker. Yours?" I could now see he had been crying because of his red eyes.

" Lilly Edwards. Why were you on the bridge? What are you running from? Why do you want to end your life?" I started blurting out all the questions I could think of. He gave a confused look like he didn't know how to answer all the questions.

" I am running from my dark past. I live with a abusive father and I cant get away from him. I don't want to live a life like this. That is why I want to end it." He started crying again which told me he was sensitive and also strong.

"What if I show you that there is more to live for in this life. That you are just as important as anyone else in this world. Would you let me do that?" He took a minute to think.

"Yes I would like that. Thank you for saving my life. I literally owe you my life. How will I repay you? "

"I'm sure we can come to an agreement." 

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