Nayeon - Love Is Blind

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-So this is a better version of this oneshot so I added and changed some things, chick-enjoy!

(You love her but she loves someone else.)


Its been a year already and I haven't talked to you or call you.

I've been ignoring you ever since that time.

I've liked you so long and it has been so hard for me to move on from you that it took me a year to move on from you.

Ever since I left you, I became a cold heartless person.



Me and Nayeon have been friends for years and we're here at the park since I asked her to come with me and confess to her.

I was about to confess when someone suddenly came to interrupt us.

It was Jeongyeon, who also likes Nayeon.

"Ugh why is she here?" I mumbled "Did you say something?" Nayeon asked. "Oh nothing." I replied back.

Before, I didn't knew that Nayeon also liked Jeongyeon. And when i found out, i was sad. All day.

"Nayeon, can we go somewhere else private? I wanna say something to you" Jeongyeon said that made me boil in anger.

"Sure, Y/N, you wouldn't mind if i leave for a second right?" Nayeon said. "Yeah Sure. ill wait for you" I said and they both walked away to somewhere private.

Whatever their talking about. I need to confess to her before Jeongeyon steals her away from me, I need to, and thats what I thought.


"So whats this you wanna say to me?" I asked Jeongyeon.

"Nayeon, I've liked you since the first time I saw you and I was feeling something weird when I first saw you, it was like... I was getting butterflies and it was the first time that happened in my life. Im Nayeon. Do you accept me as your girlfriend?" She said that made me a bit shocked

"I-i like you to, Jeongyeon and yes ill accept you as my girlfriend" I said as she smiled and shouted,



"IM NAYEON IS FINALLY MINE!!" I heard someone shout and she mentioned Nayeons name, my heart.

Did Jeongyeon confess to her already? Was I too late?

As I heard it. My eyes were getting watery but when I saw them coming back and holding hands made me more sad.

"Y/NIE, WE HAVE GOOD NEWS!" Nayeon shouted.

"you guys are dating? Congrats." I said and smiled weakly.

"Wait how do you know?" Nayeon said, "I heard Jeongyeon shouting that shes yours so I knew that you guys got are a thing now. But I wanna tell you something before I leave,

I've liked you since we were only kids, correction, I love you. I couldn't tell you because I was scared that you wouldn't accept it since we were only kids back then and I didn't wanna ruin our friendship by asking you out."

"I'm sorry Y/N. But I dont like you, and me and jeongyeon are dating." When she said the last words, It made me wanna burst to tears but I know I couldn't do it now.

"Its okay. I know you love jeongyeon and I'm not forcing you to like me back so its fine"

"Im really sorry Y/N i reall-"

"No, its okay. I"ll leave you both alone. I'm probably disturbing you guys. This will probably be the last time I"ll see you so goodbye. Im Nayeon" i left without her saying goodbye to me.

From that day on, I never saw your face ever again.

Why is loving you so painful?



Okay, hope yall enjoyed this new one. Goodbay my luvss ans see yall next chapter!

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