Two paths

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Two futures.

One of which took the form of a game.

Another a novel.

The major difference was the variable Jo Euishin the protagonist.


There were certain obvious hints I could use fining out which world line I was in.

There were different variables if I was the major variable then the constant would be Baek Ho.

I had expected to see Baek Ho just as the novel wrote but instead more than a few people came in none were Baek Ho.

The moment they came in the lights flickered on. I could see just how much damage was caused. There were lots of debris broken bits markings and more.


It was a different sound then my system from menu.

'Player association exclusive satellite... the Emmy sound for the satellite Player SAT-k in charge or Korea.'

Normally when the enemy reached a certain distance the smart device would beeps a alarm to the satellite and guides evacuation.

Because the communication was restricted it beeped late.

This world was similar to my previous life but with skills and unknown worlds it was able to make use of more advanced tech.

On the screen a notification appeared player SAT-k appeared constructively.

-wanted enemy defeated. Rhinoceron 13 has been defeated.

-Player SAT-k has successfully approached regions record device.

-Player SAT-k is analyzing detailed defeat process.

-Biggest contributor Jo X X/(Unregistered person: Limited information/)

"Euishin congratulations!"

"Good job. Even if you get a bounty treat us to a good meal."

The outside became crowded followed by some of the school officials more players came in.

I was separated from the rest do to my injury.

"It's not too deep and won't cause scarring if you take care of it properly." The doctor said after cleaning it and bandaging it. "Please refrain from excessive actions such as running or any sports."

"I understand thank you doctor."

It really looks like a temple.

It was how the novel described it.

Outstanding view. The workers looked happy so the party must have been good. Of course this was a hospital run by the Hwangmyeong corporation.

Everyone seemed well when I met them and we started talking about recovery items.

Finally Sanghoon brought a topic I didn't want to say.

"Do you also want to go home quickly? I do."

"Yeah I do too."

Thinking about my empty house made me sad all over but I wanted to rest.

"Euishin? Can you come for a second?"

Jegal was talking to me.

He is a teacher from Eunkwang who contacted everyone everywhere with a wearable device.

Jegal who panicked at the exam center handled the situation as a seasoned teacher and led us to the hospital.

No one's here.

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