A novel or a game?

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The next ten minutes Minki would be playing tag with the rhinoceron he would lose his limbs in the process.

I took out the trainee assassins folding knife.

It was 6cm.

'How on earth did the original Jo Euishin kill the rhinoceron with this?'

Of course I was afraid. If I couldn't deal with this how could I save the world?

Everything was so different fiction shouldn't even reality.

Every step I took felt like I was marching towards my earth I could only feel the warmth of the blood that kept dripping.

Slam! Smash smash...

"Arghhh ughhhh..."

Smack smack smack.

After a moment it became silent.

This was more intimidating.

"Move now!"

I could see Sanghoon and Namwook running.

Actually I never knew them in the game for me they were just unfortunate extras I regretted I couldn't save.

Yoo Sanghoon a extra who should have died in the original tutorial, and the cause of Yoo Sang-hee becoming the incarnation of revenge. In the novel he's the type who doesn't know what he's thinking most of the time, but he doesn't hesitate to sacrifices himself.

In the original he was the first friend of the protagonist.

Jang Namwook An extra who should have died in the original tutorial. In the novel If you send a message without a summary, it will be a very annoying long message. He's a good guy who hesitates thinking of the benefits of the actions of its worth it. He eventually becomes better and leads with a high head.

My hands moved consciously I prayed that the novel was true.

Even while gauging the monster the HP don't decrease.

No matter how hard I hit it it didn't drop by even a percent.

"Eun shin...."

I could see their nervous faces that were watching from the scene.

I can no longer deny that I could die.

"...Still I wish I can at least protect everyone."

No matter how much my body rejected this my will was strong I kept stabbing.



My trembling hands didn't stop.

"No! Stop and run Euishin!"

The others shouted from afar.


The notification came up.

The knife had changed rarity.

The knife penetrated deep into the pressure point



The Rhinoceron no longer resisted and collapsed after one last shout.

I breathed heavily dropping the knife.


Namwook and Sanghoon came running with large smiles.

I wanted to reciprocate the same feeling but I was met with the agonizing pain from the wound I had it had opened deeper fighting the rhinoceron didn't make it better.

Their expressions changed when they saw how much blood was coming out.

Sanghoon made a dressing to stop the flow.

The skill 'fate' had changed the level of the blade. Most skills have a backlash when you used them to often. The missing factor X was forcefully erased leaving a blank mark in history the Silver hero who possessed the same skill eventually died.

'What will happen to me once it's over?'

Would I die again when I became 29?

'...Before then I should worry about dying from lack of oxygen.'

"Sanghoon don't you think your tightening it too much?"

"Bare with it thisthis wouldn't have happened if you didn't sacrifice yourself idiot."

No but then you would have been injured.

"What should we do with him?"

Everyone's attention was on Minki who lied down in a pool of blood.

Minki would still be alive.

It would be unfortunate for us if he did die.

However he won't die.

"I gave it to you because your taking on a dangerous role. I didn't give it to you for someone who betrayed us."

"I know."

"Your going to let go of some who tried to kill us?"


One dead three surviving. All the blame would head to the three survivors and the most prestigious school in Korea.

'I'm the one who executed the plan the others followed.'

I'm alright but I don't want the others to go through the pain.

Sanghoon calmed down.

"Umm... did I give you two item cards? I thought it was a mistake and gave four so I made a mistake but it turned out well..." Namwook said in a attempt to make the atmosphere better.

'That's weird Baek Ho should be here.'

Coldness fell over my body as I realized what world line I was in.

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