Memory: Moonbound

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I've gotta get out.

I can't remember a thing.

Where the fuck am I?

Good Evening Night City!

I heard words that weren't familiar. Into one ear. Out the other.

I couldn't feel my mouth, it felt as cold as steel.

I spoke words, yet I never did, something else did for me.

My eyes were overloaded with information, and yet it all led back to the same place.


And for only 250k... A trip to the moon can be yours! And celebrating 100m streams this year already... We present across all stations a playing of "I really want to stay at your house"! Enjoy!


"I don't think there's a need for-"

I had grabbed the man by the throat.

My actions were all, finally, my own.

I slammed him into the ground.

Luis Hartmann, top member of arasaka engineering.

He had to die.


I crashed my foot onto his head.

I felt nothing.

The crimson surrounded my foot, along with shards and flashes of shades of bloodstained greys and whites.

Another one of the scientists ran at me, with a pipe no less.

Frank Owens. Helped with mechanical for the engineering division.

One swipe of my new mantis blade, and he fell in two.

I had to fucking get out, somehow.

The crane, it had a claw on it, heavy enough to break into the wall, get me out.

Get me away from this place.

AV's had surrounded me.


Yet a familiar feeling came to me, my Sandy.

Activating it felt unreal.

Not in a sense of being reunited, but it felt new.

Not even the rain was moving, I could catch it with my hand, without the droplet even breaking apart.

I used this time to run, and run.

I didn't look behind me, I just ran.

I had to get back to her while I could.

Can't let them get me.

I ran through the city, running through crowds of people and interrupting traffic before finally coming to a deadend in an alleyway.

So, I climbed.

And finally, I clambered up the building, and ran across the rooftops, using this new wire to wrap around certain spots and ropeswing across gaps.

Ahead of me, was where I needed to go. The rocket launch, but my eyes were blinded.

The lights of a MaxTac AV met my stare, before opening fire, with the bullets barely denting my skin.

I turned around, and faced one of the MaxTac enforcers as he approached me with a shotgun.

"Get Back Sir!/Fuck Off!/Fucking Meat!"

Several voices screamed in my head, not letting me react to the situation, and fight.

Finally, My legs gave out, and I had fallen to the ground.

Couldn't move, couldn't use the sandy.

Optics were bugging out, could barely see.

"What a fucking mess..."

It felt like my soul and mind were being ripped out and torn apart.

"Stand down! Get him back into the fuckin AV!"

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