Log: David

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Lucyna Kushinada, Log: No.46

Oh David, You stupid gonk.

Why did you have to leave me, not like this.

I refuse to believe this is real, not after how real our love felt.

Like everything else, they fucking took you from me, and now because of you, I'm living out an old childhood dream I told you.

I should've told you how much you really meant to me, but I couldn't. You would've gotten killed anyway. I thought I could save you from them, and not have you be a slave to them, like I was.

If you somehow read this, ever, I left your jacket with Falco, he is giving it to someone called "El Capitan", apparently he knew your mother in a sense.

I couldn't take it, not after all you told me of her, it's not something I can own.

I went back though, Falco took me.

I have your arms at the very least, I will never feel the warmth you gave me ever again, but I can live maybe just a little longer by feeling your touch.

I don't know how long I can live like this, on this fucking rock. I dream about you every night.

Oh David I can't, I just want to see you. I want to feel you, love you, kiss you, hold you.

I will meet you again someday, and we can hold each other once again.

But for now I'll live on, just, whatever happens David.

I'm sorry, I'm not as strong as you really think I am.

I love you so much David, and no matter what, I will see you again.

Wait for me, please.

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