Chapter 1

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{Naruto POV}

Opening my eyes I noticed a warm morning light pass through the window, prompting me to sit up groggily. 

'So today's the day.'

Unfortunately for me, today was the day I was supposed to start going to the academy to learn about things I've probably already read. Stepping out of my bed I pick up all the scrolls I deemed important and put them inside a storage scroll I had stolen from my parents. Then once I made sure it was hidden, I decided to wash up.


Walking down stairs I searched through the fridge and grabbed some sushi I had left from last night's dinner and started eating while I reread the stuff that I assumed would be covered in the academy. 

"Morning Naruto."


Hearing the voice I turned to see my sister, who, for all intensive purposes, looked like a zombie. I finished chewing by breakfast and nodded back to her in greeting as I made my way to the door when I heard her voice again.

"Aren't you going to stay for breakfast?" 

I didn't turn back as I finished putting on my saddles. 

"Thanks for the offer but I just ate."

I then left as I heard her hum in affirmation as she went back to pouring herself a glass of water. 


On my way to the academy I stopped by the market to grab some stuff for my lunch, and then stopped by the Senju compound in order to correctly prepare it. And all the while I was recapping all the information I'd need to know. As I finished preparing my lunch I turned to the clock.

'Hmm, I'm cutting it quite close, I'd better hurry.'


{Nurami POV}

Sitting in the classroom chatting with my friend I noticed my brother walking in at the last minute.

'Didn't he leave almost an hour ago?'

I was about to ask him about it when the pinked haired girl next to me suddenly yelled.

"Since when did the hidden leaf have such a hotty!?"


Both me and Mito looked at her strangely as my sister asked.

"How did you of all people not know of Naruto?"

Sakura quickly turned to her and started to barrage her in questions.

"You know him!? Is he single? Where does he live? What's his type?"

This made us even more confused as I asked.

"How can you not know him? He's our older brother."

The next to speak wasn't Sakura but rather our other friend Ino.

"I didn't know you guys had a brother, much less one around our age"

'Now that I think about it he doesn't seem to leave the house very often, and even when he's in the house he's either in his room or the library.'

I turned my gaze to my brother who sat at the front and started reading something in his hand.

'Is he just introverted?'

However her thoughts were interrupted by another one of Sakura's screams. 

"OMG, he's sitting next to Sasuke! Is there something in between them?!"


I looked at her and the girls who got nose bleeds with a deadpan expression.


Most of them looked at me with a dissatisfied expression and mumbled something about destroying their fantasies, but I ignored them as I glace to see my brothers reaction. 

'As expected'

He either didn't hear Sakura, which was quite unlikely, or he just didn't care. For as long as I had known him, he'd filter out all useless information, not care about the emotions or feelings of others as long as they didn't inconvenience him. 

It was around this time that the teacher walked in and my brother closed his book, placing it down on the desk in front of him. 

'How To Create A Unique Sealing Language?'

I looked at my stoic brother in confusion as to why he was reading such an advanced book. 

'Is he already at that level?'


{Naruto POV}

Earlier today I had the idea to recreate the shadow clone technique using my own system. However after a bit of thought I decided to try and recreate it through sealing. And although I myself wasn't exactly a master of sealing I knew enough to know that I'd also have to create my own language. 

Closing the book in my hand I mentally reviewed its contents. From what the book said there were three types of sealing languages. The first was a written language where one would list commands in the seal, and although this was the easiest, it was also the weakest and most common. The second was through materials, in this formula one would have to create a seal out of specific materials in order to get the desired effect, and the flaw with this one was that most seals required many different types of blood. And the final type of sealing was to create a spiritual language using your own intentions to make runes. These runes would look like random scribbles to others as their mind wouldn't be able to interpret someone else's intentions. 

After a bit of thinking I decided to go with the spiritual language as it would be unreadable to all others. It was at that moment that i heard the bell ringing, signaling that lunch was over.

'I should create the shadow clone replica as soon a possible.'

I thought as I headed back to class.

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(A/n Kinda short in my opinion, but the next chapter will be pretty long.)

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