Chapter XV; Soleil

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     Soleil woke up in Luna's castle, again. She was filled with happiness and self pity, happy to be around Luna but feeling sorry for herself due to her emotions that she knew will never be reciprocated. The castle had been renewed with guards, and thus she never saw Luna. She knew she was around, and she longed to be wherever that was.
    Soleil heard the new guards talking outside her door, the only source of information she had. "Can you believe those Zellaridians took over Rielweth and Faormen?" One asked. "That Queen Arlie must be tough to take down King Ryaxleb." the second responded. "At least Foramen wasn't hurt. I hear Queen Anastasia has her regrets, however." Regrets? Well, her husband is, well, I don't even have words. "I heard that she had another suitor. I'm not sure who it is, however." Beau perhaps? She'd never go for him, he's been her best friend since we were all babies. "They have a fearful general, however." Who's general? "That powerful, huh?" Who? "No, no, she's scared. Terrified of battle. The fear drives her, however." Who could that be? "They've swept the continent of Iphica now, all except Imperial City." The whole continent? How could that be?

"And we've got one Queen here."

"Not good enough for Queen Luna"

"That's not what I hear."


"I hear they got close on the trip"

"How so?"

What does she think?

"Queen Luna risked her life for her. Got her shoulder torn. Queen Soleil had to stitch it up. Queen Luna defended Queen Soleil from some weirdo over in Rielweth."

"Interesting. How do you know this?"

Yes, how does he know this?

"The halls echo. And Queen Luna talks to herself alot. She's considered letting Queen Soleil know of her thoughts, but knows it wouldn't be able to happen."

"Queen Soleil probably still sees her as an enemy"

    That night, after the night guard had fallen asleep by accident, Soleil knew this was her chance to escape. But she stayed. She stayed, hoping the guard was right and Luna may eventually open up to Soleil. There was no way for Soleil to reach her, no way to truly know.
    Soleil continued to train for her escape. There was nothing better for her to do then transform into a seagull and fly about her room. She slept one night as the bird, just to see what it would be like sleeping on top of the canopy above her mattress. Waking up sore, she had to lie in the bed normally the rest of the day. She became plagued with boredom, though she tried to find ways to entertain herself when she needed a break from training.
    The day she had been waiting for finally came. Instead of a guard bringing her dinner, it was Luna; unmasked. "Queen Luna, what are you doing here?" Soleil said, getting off of her bed. "I need to talk to you." Luna said, closing the door behind her. In her hands she held two plates of steak and potatoes, steaming with the sweet aroma of the meal. Soleil hadn't had steak in so long, for all of her meals in Mirirejar were poor in quality. Luna handed her one plate and they moved over to the desk where they ate. "What is it?" Soleil said, picking up her utensils. "Your friends, Queens Arlie and Anastasia, have made some considerable progress on Zellarid's expansion. What do you know?" Luna asked, cutting her food. "I don't know anything. We only ever had a plan to rescue Anastasia. They've done the rest of the planning while I've been here, with you." Soleil responded before taking a bite of the perfectly cooked steak. Luna nodded. "I see. You've been here with me, of course you don't know anything."
     "This steak is wonderful." She said, changing the subject to a more universal one. "Yes, I had my best chef prepare it." Luna said, not looking up from her plate. "I very much appreciate it. It's the best thing I've tasted in a long time." Luna snickered. "I was expecting the food in Faormen and Rielweth to be better." Soleil smiled. "Yes, I've certainly had better. King Ryaxeleb shouldn't have tried to cook that one night!" Luna laughed, causing Soleil too as well. "Yes, indeed." Luna said once her laughter had died down.
     They talked for a long time, long after their meal was over. They had moved to the bed, where they laid back and continued to talk. It got late, and a guard came to check on Luna.
     "I should probably go." Luna said, getting up and getting their plates. "Oh, alright. Thank you for tonight. The steak, I mean." Luna smiled. "And you too. For the information, of course. Oh, no I mean- ah oh well. I did enjoy talking to you." Soleil smiled. "I did as well." The two women smiled at each other, bid farewell, and Soleil watched as her love walked away. She allowed herself to fall back into her bed, sprawled out in happiness.
     She knew this feeling wouldn't last. It couldn't last. She had to leave, and soon. Arlie and Anastasia might be on their way now, but if not Soleil had to find them. It was her only choice to train and train and train. However, Luna's dinner visits threw her plan awry. The visits became one a week, then twice a week, then every other day, then every dinner. It was wonderful, every evening with Luna. They had gotten much closer, for they knew so much about each other now. Instead of training, Soleil found herself replaying conversations in her head. She remembered their travels, Luna's shoulder, she remembered the dancing in Rielweth. She thought back to Ideus and the man from Rielweth and how Luna had despised the both of them and their closeness to her. Soleil could tell her and Luna's closeness was growing, their bond was becoming stronger, but she knew that eventually the cord would have to be cut. Be that by Luna, Soleil, Arlie and Anastasia, or societal pressure once again keeping two people in love out of each other's embrace.

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