Chapter XI; Anastasia

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     After 2 weeks of marching, Anastasia's group had finally reached Faormen. They had sent a reply letter to them before leaving via bird, and it was quite obvious that they had received it. Upon the announcement that she had crossed the sub-kingdom border, the kingdom had broken out into jubilee and she was immediately taken to the castle in a carriage that had been waiting for her. Her army marched behind her, but since there was still room in the carriage, Beau was granted permission to ride along.
    "Are you nervous?" Beau asked once the door had been closed. "A little. It's just, I don't know him." Anastasia said, looking down at her cupped hands that rested in her lap. "That's understandable. I'm here if you need to talk. About anything." He said leaning closer to her. "Thank you. I know I can count on you." She responded. They had been through so much together, she never thought this was how their relationship would be altered. Running two kingdoms was sure to make her even busier, although the ruling of Faormen would be a lot less strenuous than Zellarid. They soon arrived, and Anastasia was rushed into a room to get changed into a very formal dress that had been made for her. It was far too long, and needed to be altered. In the end, the length was transformed into a magnificent train nearly as long as she was tall. She bid farewell to Beau and headed to the room where she would meet her soon to be in-laws.
    She first met the King and Queen, two very nice people, but seemed to be scanning her up and down to truly make sure she was "worthy" of their son. She then met her future husband's youngest sister and brother, twins Annabelle and Anthony. Then she met his younger sister, Xayah. She was peculiar, with a large brimmed hat that covered the top of her fair face, her long, blonde yet almost white hair water-falling out of it. She wore a short black dress, and held a small frog in her hand. She had been talking to the frog, and called it Sally. Then, after she had met them, Xayah had told Anastasia that her brother was always "fashionably" late. This was true, because after half an hour of answering the King and Queen's questions, he had finally arrived; Prince Ideus.
    He had looked very similar to his sister Xayah, with blonde-white hair and the same fair skin as their mother, who had obviously forgotten to teach him how this event was to go. He saw Anastasia and, though she was normally good at reading people, he had an expression on his face that was either one of awe or disgust. He stood dumbfounded in one of those two emotions, no one speaking. "Hello, Queen Anastasia." he finally said at last. "I am Prince Ideus." Anastasia let his name sink in. "Ideus, quite a name." Anastasia finally answered. "We'll, um, let you two get acquainted. Annabelle, Anthony, come along children." The Queen said, reaching out her hands for her young twins. They, along with the King and eldest Princess, left the room, leaving the awkward silence between the soon to be wed couple.
    That night a grand banquet was held. The King had asked Anastsia to teach them a Zellarid dance and, taking the opportunity, Beau offered to help Anastasia show the people of Faormen with her. Scheven conducted the Faormen band, replacing their own trumpet player, and began to play. They danced the dance one last time together, for after this Anastasia would dance all her dances with Ideus. They danced even more passionately than they had the night after the rebels and around the bonfire combined, knowing that this would be the last time. At the end of the song, Beau refused to help Anastasia up out of the dip. He held her there until he became self aware and lifted her back up and returned her to Ideus. When they danced, Anastasia could feel Beau watching them as Ideus, though he had caught onto the steps quickly, continuously proved that he has two left feet and doesn't know how to not step on his dance partner's feet.
    That night, after everyone else had gone to bed, Anastasia found herself wide awake. She left her lavish room, decorated with gold and jewels and other trinkets that had been given to her by the citizens, and began to wander the halls of the castle. She didn't think that she would run into anyone so late, but nevertheless, Beau was there. When Anastasia turned the corner, he was just sitting there, against the wall, face in his hands. Anastasia sat next to him and put her head on his shoulder. He looked over to her with a tear-stained face.
    "Are you alright?" She asked, moving her head to look at him. His hands were soaked wet, so he had been crying for some time. "Yes, I'm alright. Are you?" He said, wiping away his tears.

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