Meeting the Prodigal Daughter

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Dooku straightens his robes as he stands, brushing out the wrinkles so that he looks presentable. His hands subconsciously drift to his saber hilts, double checking that they are safely secured and hidden at his hips. He glances out the viewport, taking in the planet outside his shuttle.

Dohbar is a place Dooku has only ever heard of, he's never seen its beauty for himself. Ever since he'd heard about it years ago, he's always longed to have a reason to make the journey over. Unfortunately, his duties with the Jedi Order never allowed him the chance. But now, Darth Sideous has asked him to make a diplomatic mission to the mysterious and unaligned planet and convince the rulers to join the Separatists.

The planet holds many secrets, including the one his former Padawan safely kept here. Qui-Gon had not even trusted his former master with knowing anything of his child, only that they exist. No name, no family, only that they had been raised here on Dohbar. But Dooku is not here to find this child, he is here to try and win over a new member of the Separatist Alliance.

He waves a hand, pushing the button for the ramp to lower. A chill runs through his core as he takes a step towards the outside. Glancing over his shoulder, a quiet comment escapes from him.

"If that is you, Qui-Gon, know that I am very sorry for who I've become. I am not here to hunt your child, I am here on peaceful terms." The chill leaves, and he shudders as warmth refills his core. Taking a steadying breath, he again begins his descent.

The empty hangar around him spurs curiosity within Dooku. Slight offense briefly runs through him as well. Surely a diplomat deserves a security detail when at an unknown location.

"Perhaps they've grown too comfortable with their lack of infiltration," Dooku mumbles. A door suddenly swings open, and a young man and young Twi'lek woman walk into the hangar.

"Our apologies, Count Dooku," the woman says, "we meant to already be here when you arrived."

"That is quite alright, miss...?"

"Caree. Senator Ahnimaka Caree," she replies. "And this is my husband, King Kwol Barren."

"Senator..." Dooku repeats, keeping the sour tone from reaching his words. So Dohbar has already sided with the Republic. Perhaps he can change that. "And King Barren. A pleasure to meet you."

"Our Queen should be here soon," Kwol says, "she's recently been at Coruscant. But please, let's head somewhere more proper." Dooku nods and walks through the door behind Ahni, Kwol after him.

"So, Count Dooku, I'm not entirely sure of what you have come here to discuss today," Ahni says, pouring a cup of tea and handing it to Dooku. He takes it and nods, sipping briefly before responding.

"I am here to discuss where Dohbar's loyalties are going to lie in the war between the Galactic Republic and the Separatist Alliance. Specifically, I am here to present you an offer of a position within the Separatist Alliance."

"Ah, well, with my being a senator, I am not sure I should be a part of this conversation, as my bias will certainly lead me to want to side with the Republic. You can understand, I'm sure."

"Yes, of course, Senator Caree. If you would feel more comfortable, I can talk with the king and queen without you present."

"Yes, I think that would be the better option," Ahni says, rising from her seat. "I will make sure that when she arrives, the queen will come straight here."

"Thank you, Ahni," Kwol says, a smile on his lips as her hand briefly touches his cheek before she leaves. "Shall we get started, then?"

"I would prefer to wait until all parties are present," Dooku responds, setting his cup down on the table.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2022 ⏰

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