Getting older

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As I became older,

 I understood that the relationship wasn't,

 exactly what it was in novels or movies.

It was much more challenging and complicated.

 Everyone agreed that it was not a pleasant journey.

We fight to be loved even if some of us,

 have loved and others of us have lost.

We continue to look for positive traits in people. 

We hunt and hope for something positive as we look past their wounds and suffering. 

Finding that gem can be challenging,

because it might be surrounded by thorns.

You risk hurting someone you love by posting everything online. 

However, you are praying that the person won't break your heart.

The shards of broken glass may injure you if you handled them. 

leaving the glass pieces on the ground for people to fix.

A broken heart cannot be repaired.

 Similar to how broken glass cannot be repaired.

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