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If this was my last text what would you say,

Would you tell me how much you love me or would you hold me

One more time. Would you remember me in your dreams?

If this was our last hug would you hold me even longer? or would you let go?

Would you change the words you said? Would you tell me you love me instead?

If you had to tell me something? could it wait because you didn't want

To ruin the moment we were having.

If this was your last goodbye? Would you say it like you're coming back?

Or you would say see you soon. Would you cry if I was gone?

Knowing I didn't love myself. Or would you rejoice because I found peace?

Would you join me in death? Or you would pray for resurrection?

Would you ask God to forgive me because I have tried to commit suicide?

Would you miss me or would you move on?

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