Runaway Dog

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I blink and a tear rolls down my face.

Man, I have gotta start blinking between my staring at the computer and looking at my phone, my eyes are starting to water.

I blink hard and lean back in my chair.

My door suddenly slammed opened and Dick's voice yelled in a panic. "Tim! Damian's disappeared."

I keep my eyes closed and inhale deeply to try to inhale some form of patience or maybe a care I could use in this situation.

I finally spin my chair around and look at Dick.

"Oh no, whatever will we do?" I ask.

Dick frowns. "We need to look for him!" he exclaims.

I look around and sigh "Well, he's not here."

Dick scowled and tossed my patrol suit on.

"Check the left side of the city, I'll get the right." Dick commands as he turns and leaves before getting my opinion.

I catch my uniform and grumble.

This isn't the first time Damian's run away. He's always returned then so why are we all jumpy now?

I stand up and toss my shirt off while tapping on the tracker in my computer.

In it was a tracking system of all of my siblings. It was an advanced search with a chip that was placed in each of their bodies. They didn't know it was there but please! They didn't think that I would have countless opportunities to place the tracker in their body when they so carelessly let themselves get blown up or worse? To this day they don't know why I'm so good at hide and seek.

I tap on Damian's name. It zooms in and tells me where he is.

I roll my eyes when I see he's in a dog pound. Dick got worked up for no reason sometimes. I don't even bother with my uniform and instead just get changed into clothes that isn't sweat pants.

I could easily just tell Dick to go get him but I think I'm in need of natural sunlight.

So, ten minutes later I'm in the city. The dank, dark, rainy city. Look at all the sunlight.

I walk into the dog pound and when the teenage girl there sees me her eyes widen. She looks down at the magazine she was holding. I was on the cover wearing Wayne Interprise's fashion line. I was something of a model. Cas was also there, looking as great as always.

The girl's eyes got even bigger when she realized who I was.

"You here!" She exclaimed.

"I am." I say.

The girl brushed her hair out with her fingers. "Here, in the place where I work!"

"Yep." I reply.

The girl blinked hard like she thought I was a phantom.

"Why?" She finally stuttered out.

I raise an eyebrow at her. "Well, I believe my younger brother is her. Is Damian Wayne behind these big doors?" I walk over to the doors but she quickly steps in front of me, a determined look on her face suddenly.

"You can't go back there." She says quickly.

I tilt my head at her, slightly surprised at her protest. I don't get that normally.

"Why?" I ask.

She straightens "Because your brother isn't back there." She says sternly. I could see a lie a mile away. Especially because it came form her.

"I know he is and you witholding him from me can be seen as kidnapping." I say, trying to be patient.

The girl crossed her arms.

"It would if he wasn't willingly staying." She says.

I almost smirk. "Ah so he is back there." I say as I push the doors open and walk.

Her face pales and she runs after me.

"Sir! You can't be here!" She calls as I walk down the hall, following the sound of barking.

I reach a door and by her heavy protests I guess Damian is behind it.

I reach for the door knob but suddenly a huge German Shepherd launches in front of me and growls.

I jerk back, not willing to have my hand bitten off.

The Shepherd look fierce as he guarded the door, snarling and growling at me. The dog had a blue bandana wrapped around his neck and looked all too keen on eating me.

"Good boy." The girl said as she took her spot next to the beast.

"Like I said. You can't go back there." She said. "We have rights and because you're trespassing we have rights to attack you."

Oh please, like she could attack me. I would have taken that chance but the dog looked like a more experienced fighter.

"Mutt?" I asked.

The girl scoffed "Oh please, King is a pure bread and has been trained to attack and kill. So I'd be careful."

"I've dealt with worse before." I mutter.

"What?" She asked.

I sigh "Why are you so keen on hiding my brother from me? He pay you or something?"

I must have hit a button because her face hardened into something of sudden hatred.

Before she could say something that might hurt the door opened and Damian showed his face.

Damian looked mildly surprised to see me.

"Father sent you?" Damian asked.

"Dick actually." I reply. "You're keeping me from my work so I'd be nice if we could go. That is, if you're done with petting animals."

"Excuse you!" The girl exclaimed "No one can tell our clients-"

"Luna it's fine. He's my brother and I've been summoned to to attend a meeting with my father." Damian said.

Wow, the little monster lies through his teeth so easily.

The Girl-Luna-frowns at me but nods and smiles at Damian.

"Come back again soon!" She says as Damian and I walk out.

"You don't need to baby sit me." Damian spits when we leave.

"Well in that case I leave you!" I exclaim.

I rolls his eyes as we wave a taxi down and get in.

"You couldn't have brought the car?" Damian asks.

I frown "I'm Not exactly a legal driver."

Damian crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "Oh please, don't tell me you haven't been driving since you were twelve."

I give him a look before glancing at the driver, hoping he didn't hear that.

When we get to the manor Dick is there, looking relieved.

"Oh thank goodness." Dick sighs as he smiles at me. "Where did you find him?"

"In the gutter with the rest of the illigitament kids." I mutter negore heading back upstairs.

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