Moses meets God

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Back with the heroes*

Moses smiled happily as he watches the sheep

Tops pets the sheep*

Smarty - I'm glad you're happy in Midian Moses

Moses-( Smiled ) Me too

Savy sees a sheep leaving the flock*

Moses- Huh ?

Savy follows the sheep*

Moses takes off after it too

The others followed him*

Smarty- Wait for us !

The sheep went in the cave*

Moses- Hey , wait up , little guy !

When they went in, they saw a mysterious white fire on the branch on the rock*

Moses is amazed and went close to it

Tops: Shiny....

Smarty- What is that ?

Moses touches it and it doesn't burn him*

Moses gasped

Tigs: Ooh.

Arabella-Wow !

???: Moses, weaselings.

Moses gasped

Malikai: God, is that you?

God: Yes, it is me.

The weaselings bowed to his voice*

Moses- I.... I don't --I can't believe this....

God: I need your help, the Hebrews of Egypt are in need of freedom.

Moses- Me ? But... What can I do ?

The glowing fire surrounded him*

God: Go to the king of Egypt and tell him to release your people, I'm giving you my powers to help you. And you weaselings must help him too.

Arabella giggles.

Arabella - Guys look ! Moses is flying !!!

Tops: Ooh!

God: I'll be with you always. *as the fire fades away*

Moses was gently placed back down and a staff appeared in his hand

Moses grabs it*

Smarty- Okay , I can't believe we heard God ! But didn't he sound different from how we saw him ?

Malikai: Yeah. That's strange.

Moses: Come, we need to tell my wife.

They left, when they returned, they told Tzipporah everything*

Tzipporah - Are you sure you want to go back ?

Moses: Look at the others, they are free, but my people are not... They need my help...

Tzipporah looked and nodded understandingly

Tzipporah hugs him: I'm coming with you.

Moses nodded*

Soon the heroes are on camels and so is Moses and Tzipporah and they waved bye to everyone*

With Tech and Musica...

Tech helps Musica sit down*

Ori plays with Hornet*

Musica sighed in relief

Tech: I'm glad your safe.

Musica- Me too.

He sits next to her

Tech kisses her cheek*

She blushes and looks at him

Tech smiles*

Musica- smiled as he caresses her cheek and speaks

Tech: I love you so much.

Musica- smiles

Musica- I love you too.

The two kiss before Techno crawled and sees this

Techno: Ew!

Musica- Hey !

Tech looks at Techno who hates the sight

Tech chuckles: Come here sweetie.

Techno crawls over to the couch where they're at

Tech picks her up and snuggles her*

Musica- You know Tech , you are a sexy coyote husband ~

Tech smiles: Yes I am.

Musica first traces his chest

Tech: Oh!

Musica- You're intelligent , brave , your voice is so sexy~

Tech: Yes I am....

Musica- traces his cheek

Tech purrs*

Musica kisses his neck

Tech: Oh!

She kisses him

Techno: Ewwwwww!

The parent slook and playfully glare.

With Sharon...

Sharon- So how do you feel now !

Brutus: Much better

Green: Cool. *as he got a call from purple* Answers it. Yes?

Purple- Green ! You need to get over here ! Red made this successful human machine !

Green is shocked and worried:

Sharon looks

Purple- Green it's okay ! You can be human again !

Green: I'll think about it. *hangs up and he holds his face scared*

Sharon - Green ? Honey ?

Green: If I become human again, I'll be blind again.

Sharon- Human ? What are you talking about ?

Green: Red finally made a human machine, but I am scarred.

Sharon- A human machine ? What's to be scared about it ?

Green: I'm tramatized about my human past.

Sharon- Well , were you born blind ?

Green: No, but the insults, the bullies, I can't go back to that again..

Sharon gently holds his hand

Sharon- Green, look at me...

Green looks at her*

Sharon- If you don't want to try and be human again , then it's alright you don't have to. At the same time , I'm always curious on what you're human form looks like , but I'll also be kinda sad since I prefer you as a Rainbow Friend. But I don't want to be selfish. just know I'll still love you , if you're human , Rainbow Friend , I don't care. As long as you're happy

Green smiles: Okay, I'll go try the machine.

She rubs his long arm.

Sharon- Are you sure ?

Green: Of course.

He kisses her cheek making her giggle before he leaves.

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