John apologies to Arabella

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Back with Metal Smarty, he is in his room laying in bed rubbing his pregnant belly*

He sighs

Cobra dog looks through the window*

Metal Smarty- Can't believe this

Cobra dog hissed and opened the window*

He looked and gasped

Cobra dog slithers to him barking do you miss me?

Metal Smarty- Oh God

Cobra dog slithers to him, he kisses him*

He blushes

Cobra dog went in his pants and rubbed his member*

He gasped

Cobra dog smirks and grows a bit big and wrapped his tail around him*

He yells

Cobra dog drools*

Metal Smarty- Let me go !

Cobra dog hissed he's going to have fun with him, and the others left*

Metal Smarty- Without telling me...

Cobra dog took out his member*

He whimpers

Cobra dog put his member in him*

Metal Smarty yells

Cobra begins to thrust, Metal Smarty bounce on his member*

He blushes

Cobra dog licks his cheek*

He moans.

With the Weaselings....

They have coffee

Malikai: This is nice...

Arabella snuggles Malikai sleepily

Malikai smiles and hugs her*

Arabella- Puppy wuppy baby seal bro....

Malikai chuckles*

John then comes in

John: Hey guys.

Arabella sees him and whimpers before she hides behind her brother

John: I got you some cookies.

Tigs- Cool

She hides from him

John: Arabella, this is my apology gift

He walks over to Malikai and Arabella whimpers as she goes under the table under the table covers

John: Look, I'm sorry for acting like a jerk being the person in charge of rules thing, and I thought I could give you cookies as an apology.

She whimpers teary eyed as she listens

John: Can you ever forgive me for yelling at you at Silent hill and at the snow hills?

She looks

John shows her the cookies*

She sticks her hand out and grabs the cookie and takes it back in

John: She's warming up.

He bends down next to the table

John: Your starting to forgive me?

He lifts the table cloth up and sees Arabella covering her face after she ate the cookie

John hugs her*

She looks at him

John: I'm sorry.

She looks at him.

Arabella- Weally ?

John: Yes really.

John remembered how hew as tickling her and saw how happy she was when he was messing with her and speaks

John: Your very adorable puffy cupcake.

He holds her like Malikai held her

She blushes and looks at him

John snuggles her as Arabella giggles*

Malikai chuckles*

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