Rainbow friends and Moses learns

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With Sharon....

She helps Brutus

Brutus is drinking the soup*

She watches

Brutus: Thank you for feeding me.

Sharon - It's no problem . You're welcome

Brutus smiles*

Green reads the magazines*

Sharon- Brutus ?

Brutus: Yeah?

Sharon- Can I ask you something ?

Brutus: Of course.

Sharon- We'll... What would you have done if you never gotten shot ?

Brutus: Make out with you.

Sharon- I thought so.

Brutus: I'm sorry.

She looks at him

Brutus lays on the couch*

Sharon follows him

Green looks*

Brutus is tired now, he needs a nap*

Sharon- You should rest now Brutus. It'll help ease the pain

Brutus: Okay. *he yawns and fell asleep*

Sharon smiled and went over to Green who speaks

Green: You did good babe.

Sharon smiled

Sharon- Awww Greenie~

Green wraps his arm around her: We should help him more often.

Sharon giggles

Sharon- I think so too.

They watch him sleep.

With Chuba....

White watches protectively as Red goes to test her protective instincts while she watches her babies

Chuba sleeps*

White watches. Red sees the babies blindly either sleeoing or crawling around blindly

So he decides to test White out

Red grabs one of the babies*

White looks as the babies whimper. Red speaks to it

Red: Hello little one.

One of the babies that he held whimpered scared*

White watches like an owl. Red then speaks to it testing White

Red: How about I take you to my lab for tests?

White heard that and ran very fast and started smacking Red

Red: Ow ow!

Chuba wakes up seeing this*

He sees White attacking Red as he still held the baby Toby

Chuba: Whoa.

White takes baby Toby back and hisses viciously before she went over to Chuva and their bad

Chuba: Your good honey.

Orange comes in and sees this

Orange: Protective mom instincts?

Chuba: Yep, someday when your kid comes, you'll be protective like my wife.

With Blue and Pink....

The two snuggle each other

Blue: Ah, this is nice...

Pink- looks at him

The babies came to them*

Cobalt- Mama !

Bubblegum - Papa !

Blue: Hey kiddoes! Come here!

The babies crawl over to them

Blue hugs them*

Pink looks and giggles

Morado- Papa ?

Blue: Yes?

Morado- Why me purple ?

Blue: Cause that's why your born that way.

Morando giggles*

Pink smiles and snuggles Blue*

Back with the heroes*

They're a the center of Midian for the feast

The heroes watched happily*

Tops: Wow!

Morty: This is awesome!

Arabella- This is nice

Smarty smiles

Savy snuggles Smarty*

Smarty smiles

Moses watches*

Jethro - Let us give thanks to this courageous young man and his ancient friends in saving my three daughters

They cheered*

Moses - Sir please... I don't think I deserve the praise you give me...

Jethro- Nonsense. Not only you saved my three little ones from thieves but you and your friends helped my eldest Tzipporah escape from Egypt

The heroes smiled*

Jethro- Maybe you feel like you have no purpose. That's okay. We'll help you

They looked*

The prince of EgyptOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz