Moses leaves Egypt

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Back with the heroes*

They next day they see Ramses showing Moses round the area they caused a sand tsunami

They heroes are shocked*

Arabella- Wow... That was cool !

Pentol: Yeah.

Savy sees the people working*

Moses feels uncomfortable as he sees the Hebrews walking past him slaving around while the heroes look up the catwalk and see the grown up Miriam serving as a water girl , giving Aaron who's sculpting water

Savy hugs Smarty feeling worried*

The others looked and remember Miriam and Aaron

Rocky: It's them.

Tina: Yeah.

Arabella- Miriam looks very pretty

Axelle: Yeah.

Smarty- I still can't believe about last night. When we saw that huge painting of the baby boys being thrown to crocodiles he had the GALL to tell Moses- They are ONLY SLAVES !!

Savy gasped*

Ludel: How awful...

Arabella- How dare he ?! These SLAVES are not only Hebrew but they are LIVING and BREATHING people just like US , and their EGYPTIANS !!!

Tops: That made me scarred!

Arabella- We'll at least us girls are okay !

But then they hear whipping sounds. Moses looks and sees an elderly Hebrew man being whipped by the agressive Egyptian whopper

They gasped*

Markus: Me scared.

Issac: How awful.

Moses- No.... Stop it.....

But the Egyptian still whipped him.

Moses- No... Don't ! Stop it !

Moses started running towards the catwalk.

Ramses looks

Ramses- Moses ?

Malikai: Moses don't do it!

Issac: This won't end well.

Moses- Leave the man alone !

Miriam, Aaron, and the Hebrews above noticed Moses running towards the man abusing the old man and out of rage , confusion , and fear Moses crashed into the Egyptian making him fall to his death

Savy gasped*

Tigs covered Arabella's and Tops's eyes*

Everyone looked at the dead body before another Egyptian whipper came over and see this

The heroes are shocked*

The commander growled

Commander- Who did this.....?!

Egyptian -( Points at Moses ) It's

that man ! Up there !

Everyone looks up at Moses. The Hebrews are shocked and scared at what he's done including Aaron

Lexy: Oh no!

Moses is horrified by what he's done anf started to run away

Miriam- Moses !

She grabbed his hand but he only looks at her in guilt and shame before he pulled away from her and started to run away , Miriam tried to catch up but she fell

Samartha: Oh no!

Ramses went over to Moses

Ramses- Moses what is going on?! Are you alright ?!

Moses- Just stay away from me !

Moses runs, but the heroes followed him*

Ramses followed him in a chariot and stopped him in his tracks

Ramses- Moses , what is going on ?! What happened ?!

Moses- You guys just don't understand ! I killed a man back there !

Morty: You didn't mean to!

Derek: It was an accident!

Ramses- Moses , it's alright , we'll figure this out !

Moses- You can't cover me , Ramses ! I killed someone !

Ramses- I won't let the guards arrest you ! As long as I'm concerned , you are innocent !

Moses- Don't try to sugarcoat what I done ! I pushed him off the catwalk ! You saw me the Hebrews saw me , those guys saw me ! You saw everything !

They are shocked*

Moses- I... I can't stay here..... I'm sorry , brother.....

Moses then started to run away

Ramses- Moses ! Moses ! MOOOSEEESSSS !!!

The heroes went after him*

Ramses- was sad as he watched his only brother run away from a crime he committed. Moses was now so scared , confused , and frustrated.

The prince of EgyptWhere stories live. Discover now