Chapter 2. Officer.

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I took a deep breath, inhaling and exhaling.
But then both me and Bob could hear a knock on the door. I motioned him to hide and he got the memo, nodding and hiding behind a corner, out of sight.

I opened up the front door and my body froze up when I seen a policeman standing in the doorway. "G-Good day to you sir! Is there anything I can do for you?" I said, trying my best to hide the fear in my body.

"Yes, it had been reported that you were seen carrying a man with red clothes and a bunch of injuries in his back. You see, there's a serial killer on the loose and we are just trying to keep the kids safe for Halloween. Do you have anyone in the house with you?" The officer seemed to look behind me and around what was visible of my house as I stood in front of him.

"No, I live alone. And I don't recal bringing a man into my house with red clothes. See I'm very paranoid about strangers and killers around here since I've seen the reports.." i trailed off and the officer seemed to soften up.

Until a creak was heard from the house.

"Ma'am, I'm going to have to look around your house. If I don't find anything, your free to go. But if I find something then I'm going to have to take you down to the station." The officer explained, stepping through my door and wandering through my house.

I gulped and closed the front door.

I stayed by the officers side as he looked and when we were approaching the corner that Bob was hiding behind, I started to sweat a little.

The officer carefully and slowly walked towards the corner and once he looked, he sighed.

"Thank you for your cooperation ma'am! It seems that there is nothing here so-" before he could say anything else, he was stabbed in the back and he fell to the ground. I gasped and my eyes started to water at the pool of blood that now littered my floor.

Bob covered my eyes and brought me over to the couch that he had laid on before.
"Don't move from here until I say so." He told as he uncovered my eyes and walked back to the corpse that now lay on the floor.

I started to cry as I heard tearing noises and blood being splattered everywhere from behind me. I covered my ears to try and block out the sounds but I could still hear the bones and flesh being chewed on.

The only thing I could do right now was cry and wish that the sounds would be over soon.
I brought my knees up to my chest and put my head on my knees as I tried to drain out the sound even more. Tears ran down my cheeks and I squeezed my eyes shut.

Suddenly, the sound stopped and I felt two hands on mine, gently pulling them away from my ears. I kept my eyes shut as my hands were placed in another's. "Y/n. It's fine now. You can open your eyes." I heard Bob say.

I slightly opened my eyes but when I seen Bob, he made me want to close them again. "Y-your covered.." that was all I had to say before he realized that he was still covered in the officers blood and guts. He chuckled and licked his lips, making me want to throw up.

"Do you have a bathroom around here? I'd like to take a shower." Bob looked his head around and then looked back at me. "Y-yeah.. upstairs and the first door on the right.." I muttered.

He nodded his head and walked upstairs. I slowly got up and looked where the officer was. But I seen nothing. There was no blood, no stains even. It was like nothing happened.
But when I looked at my hands, they were covered in blood.

He must've not washed his hands before he touched me..

I walked to the kitchen and put some soap on my hands, washing off all the blood with warm water. I heard the shower running upstairs and sighed.

Why me?! I never did anything wrong to deserve this..!

I dried my hands and turned on the teapot for the tea I was going to make for us. I put mint tea in two cups and then poured the now boiling water into them. I then went to my laundry room and pulled out the now clean and dry red sweater that Bob was wearing when he first came in. I set it on top of my sewing machine and began to sew shut the bullet holes that had been put in it.

Once I was done with that, a brought it into the kitchen and left it folded up on the counter and then made our teas. That's when Bob came back downstairs with only a towel wrapped around his waist.

I blushed and turned around so i wouldn't see him. "Why don't you have any clothes on?!" I slightly yelled, covering my eyes even though I wasn't facing him. "Cause I'm looking for my sweate- oh there it is." I felt his presence walk behind me and grab his sweater, then head back upstairs.

I sighed and took a deep breath, turning back around. I continued to make our teas and when I was done, I placed them on the counter and took a sip of mine.

I heard footsteps again and Bob came into the kitchen. He still didn't have a shirt on but he had pants and socks on so that was good I guess. "Mind fixing me up again? The bandages came off." He said, turning around and pointing at his back. I nodded and led him back to the living room, taking his cup of tea with me.

I sat his down and began to bandage him up again.

End of Chapter Two.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!
Stay tuned~

Words: 1024

Soft spot - Bob Velseb x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now