The Search

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Jack's POV:

I was just walking around with Toby, looking for these new potential proxies for Slender. When I catch the scent of blood in the wind, I did a quick look over Toby without him knowing, then I took off in the direction of the scent. 

"Shit, he's heading to the complex." I say, Toby following close behind me.

When we got to the complex, the person was already there, I could tell by the time we opened the front door, Toby laughing at me because this guy beat us here. 

"Toby, you try tracking down this man. He's faster than you thi-" I was cut off by finding the guy under my bed. 'What an idiot..' I though as I said 

"found him." 

"Wh-where?" Toby asked. I walked over to my bed and I grabbed the guys arm and I drag him out from under my damn bed. The guy kept quiet though, and he didn't struggle, I guess he was exhausted. But didn't show it, but then again, I may be wrong.

"Ho-how did you find him that fast?" Toby asked. 

"I noticed that my bed was messed up a bit. So I looked underneath it and saw his arm." I replied. Toby looked at the guy and said 

"Oh, it's you w-we'er after! Y-your shorter th-than ex-expected...." I put the guy down and said 

"Well, he's a lot taller in his other form. It's kinda obvious why Slender wanted him." The guy looked at the window then back at me and then he sits down after Toby had said that we'd just have to wait. 

"What's your name?" I asked and he motions for a pen and pencil. 

"Paper and pencil?" Toby asked himself as he pulled out a notepad and a pen and hands it to him. 

"S-sorry.. that's a-all I had o-on me.." Toby said, and the guy nodded and wrote down his name and showed it to us. 

"So.. your name is Ace... huh.. well we-" I start, but I get cut off by Ace making a run for the window and getting out and back into the woods and I go after him, Toby went through the house and then followed us on foot. Damn, this kids fast, he kept switching from tree to tree, wearing me out so I would have to go on foot with Toby. I thought we would've caught up to him after a few minutes then I stopped and grabbed Toby and pulled him to a stop. 

"I think he went back to the mansion" I said through breaths.

We walked back to the mansion and found Ace asleep, so we tried him up, but he woke up and struggled against us.

 "How in the fuck did he get passed us?" I asked, and Ace head buts Toby. 

"O-ow???" Toby said, and he made it clear that it was a question, I just sighed and said 

"I don't think he knows that you can't feel pain." After I had said that, Ace kicked my knee. 

"You kick me again, and I will take your kidneys, kid." I said and Ace managed a growl and Toby did the most stupid thing and pried open his mouth. 

"Why cant you- oh my... J-Jack you n-need to see th-this.." Toby said. I take a look and I see cotton balls lodged in his throat. 

"Hmm... knock him out. I'll get to work on that problem." I say, then Toby knocks Ace out and I start working on getting the cotton balls out of his throat without damaging his wind pipe.

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