"It's just a week, I'll be okay," Jungkook said reassuringly even though his own heart was hurting. Just a week.

The hyungs finally headed out on their way and Jin made sure to exchange numbers with Igo. Jin was the only one in the group with a cell phone so he told Igo to call him if Jungkook needed anything.

"And we'll be calling to check in too," Hobi said. They finally departed after more tight hugs.

Jungkook turned to Igo and the two stared at eachother silently for a moment. Jungkook gulped. He hated being so painfully shy.

Igo took a step towards him. "I hate kids. Especially the ones your age."

Jungkook took a nervous step backwards. Oh. He looked at the front door already longing for his hyungs to come back.

"Stay out of my way, don't touch any of my stuff, and then we shouldn't have any problems. Got it?" Igo said. Jungkook nodded nervously. Stay out of his way and don't touch his stuff.

Igo showed Jungkook to the guest room upstairs and told him to make sure to keep the room clean. Jungkook nodded again. He didn't know what else to say or do except simply agree to all of the rules. Which felt very foreign to him because at home he got away with breaking any rules his hyungs ever tried making. It was his special maknae privilege.

"Now just shut up and leave me alone," Igo said as he left the room.

"Okay," Jungkook pouted. He sat on the bed and pulled a gameboy out of the suitcase his hyungs packed him and lay there playing with it for a while. As the day went on he was really missing his hyungs so he went downstairs and asked if he could call them.

"No," Igo said angrily.

"But hyungs said to call them," Jungkook pouted.

"Only if you need something. In which you don't."

"I need to call them."


"To talk to them."


"I miss them.."

"I don't care," Igo slammed his hand on the counter making Jungkook flinch, "Using the phone costs money. I don't care if you miss them. That's no reason to call them. Go away. "

Jungkook didn't argue, he ran to the bedroom and cried into the pillow. He knew this was going to be nothing but a long, terrible week.

The next few days were just as lonely and terrible for the maknae. Igo wouldn't really feed him. He was only allowed to eat small snacks like bread or pretzels. He thought he'd probably actually starve to death before his hyungs got back. He also hadn't gotten to talk to them in days and his heart was broken. It seemed as though they weren't calling to check in which confused the maknae, but what he didn't know was that they had been trying to call numerous times and Igo made excuses every time saying Jungkook was sleeping or in the shower or busy with something. Sometimes he wouldn't even answer the phone because they were calling so much.

On day 3 Igo seemed to be in an exceptionally bad mood. He was angry and Jungkook didn't know why but the man was going around breaking and slamming everything. Jungkook realized that Igo was drunk and that terrified him. He could smell the alcohol even from his room. He wanted nothing more than to call his hyungs because at this point he was just scared and wanted to get out of that house. Igo wasn't letting Jungkook touch the cell phone, so Jungkook realized his only option was to try and steal it so he could sneak a call.

While Igo was in the bathroom Jungkook ran downstairs, snatched the cell phone, and ran back up to the bedroom. He immediately tried calling Jin but nobody was answering the phone.

Call Hyungs [Jungkook Hurtfic]Where stories live. Discover now