▪︎ 12. Video Tapes ▪︎

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Hiyaaaa this sucks but like I said earlier on the message thingys, I'm getting bored with this story ngl it's sort of rushed

I just watched Enola Holmes 2 (which might be noticeable in this chapter) and idk what to do. I love the whole 1880's aesthetic with the academia and the mystery and all but like tf do I do with that interest????


"I have an idea." I told Abbacchio as we were on our way back to his dorm. "A good one."

"Your ideas are never good." He argued.

"My ideas are terrific, especially this one."

"Oh, yeah? What does it include?"

"Well, first of all you need to help me. Alright, so... We go back to Mr. Esposito's office. He must have hid something in there that could leave a clue as to who the killer is, right?"

"Why do I feel like there's more to it?"

"We need to talk to Prosciutto so we can protect him."

"Prosciutto hates us."

"Prosciutto hates you." I corrected and he sighed.

"Y/N, I know what you're thinking, and the answer is no. I will not talk to him."



"Fine, I'll just ask Mista for help." I turned around to walk away, but he grabbed onto my arm.

"Don't you dare choose him before me." He looked down on me looking slightly hurt.

"Then let's go search the office together!" I suggested and Abbacchio groaned. He turned to the the right direction before lighting up with a smirk.

"You know what? Yes, let's search the office." He walked ahead of me, and I had a feeling he had a really bad idea.


Abbacchio touched the handle lightly. The door seemed to be unlocked, probably because it had been searched by police earlier.

"It's almost as if we're being welcomed." I said and he gave me look that said 'why are you like this?'.

"Sure, we're being welcomed into a room where a potential murderer has been."

"A potential accomplice of said murderer." I corrected with a smile. Abbacchio sighed and took the freedom of entering. I followed behind as we both looked around the room.

"Weird." He said.

"What is?" I questioned.

"Something is different. Something, but I don't know what."

"Then perhaps it's nothing important?"

"No, it's important. I know it, something has been changed since we last were here."

"Well, it was like a week ago, he's been in here countless of times and the police has searched it through. Is it really that surprising?" I asked, and he showed no indication of listening.

"I can't pinpoint it, what is it? Why has this room changed? What has changed? I can't find it." His eyes scanned the room, and I leaned back on the desk.

"Maybe your eyes are broken?" Once again, he wasn't listening.

"Everything is the same, but at the same time not. The desk hasn't been moved, the papers are in the same spot. The flower has been watered and the books are all in their original place. What is it? Why can't I find it?" He stood in the same spot, visibly going through every corner with his gaze. I looked around myself, even though I definitely hadn't memorized how the room looked.

"What about that box?" I suggested as I pointed to a cardboard box on the top of the bookshelf.

"What?" He looked at me, then back to the shelf. Every muscle in his face twitched as his face lit up. "Y/N, you're a genius!"

The bookshelf stretched far, all the way up to the ceiling. Though, Abbacchio didn't even have to stand on his tiptoes to reach it. He easily slipped it down and into his hands, placing it next to me on the desk.

I looked down into the box. It took me a second to realize what I was looking at, since it wasn't essentially so weird that I'd expect it. What I was staring at was a box filled with tapes, the same ones you use for capturing a video. There was eight of them, the same number as the amount of victims. There wasn't a camera anywhere nearby, but chances are what we'd find on these tapes could prove to be the solution to our case.

"Abbacchio, these tapes might reveal who the murderer is!" I shone up and he stared back at me.

"How did the police even miss this?" He asked as he picked one up.

"I don't know, but we should get the hell out of here and check them before anyone finds us." I grabbed the tape he was holding and put it back into the box.


"Alright, this is the classroom where the filmmaking students work. We can watch them here, on this TV." Abbacchio put in one of the tapes, putting it on. He had chosen the one named 'Pesci'.

I sat down on a chair and watched as it started. The video revealed a man. A scared looking man. His neck was connected with his head in a way that it seemed like he didn't have a chin. His hair was green and spiky, matching his pointy nose. Would I offend the deceased if I said he was ugly?

"Look!" Abbacchio exclaimed as the camera moved around. It revealed the body of a man. It was a tall man, dressed in white clothes. The screen shifted around as the camera pointed up to the face. I recognized him, I recognized the green hair and scary face of Cioccolata.

"Secco, look! He's so scared! Don't point the camera at me, point at him!" He yelled to Secco who seemed to be filming. The camera switched back to Pesci, who took several steps backwards as Cioccolata approached him. Pesci covered his face with his arms, as the nursing-student raised his leg, landing a kick on the man who fell to his death, right outside mine and Trish's dorm. The tape ended, and I looked over at Abbacchio.

"It, uh... Seems like we know who the killer is." I said as I swallowed some saliva.

"Yeah, I knew something was up with those bastards." He took out the tape, putting it into the box again. I was just about to say we should leave, when I heard footsteps approaching. I looked over at Abbacchio in panic, and he grabbed the box, pointing at the cabinets at the back of the classroom.

We looked at each other with panicked expressions as we each chose a cabinet. Abbacchio pressed himself into one along with the box, closing the door behind him. I chose the one next to it, but nearly screamed as I opened the door.

There, as if he was a doll, was Mr. Esposito. For the first time, I could actually see it, I could see that his body was lifeless, and how is eyes didn't look at me. His skin was pale and seemed to be stone cold.

Regardless, I had no choice. I had to hide. I stepped into the cabinet, pressing my body to his. I closed the door quickly, as the door to the classroom opened.

I held my breath, partly to not be heard, but also to not feel the faint stench coming from the rotting body behind me.

"So, Secco, bring out the camera as I open the door." Cioccolata's voice spoke as he got closer and closer to the row of cabinets. My heart was beating so loud that anyone could hear it, and I heard the footsteps stop right outside the cabinet door.

"Yes, Cioccolata!" Secco spoke as I heard the sound of a camera being turned on. The handle to the door twisted and turned, and I could nearly see the light start to shine in as I closed my eyes, expecting death to greet me in the coming moments.


(Part of this chapter has been removed. It will be edited in the near future)
-May 8th 2023-

▪︎Murder Mystery▪︎  Abbacchio x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt