▪︎ 1. Roommates ▪︎

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If you've followed my previous books, you know the first chapter is always sorta brain dead. Like, it's mostly an introduction so it's not that interesting, but stuff will happen in the next one, I swear!

also, I don't know jack shit about college. my teachers keep failing me on all tests and refuse to help, so I won't be able to apply to a university either. I'm sorta bummed about that, but y'know, that's life. I spend my time writing fanfics instead to make sure I don't off myself.

(that's a joke, kinda)


I unpacked the last few boxes, and slouched down on my bed. The college hadn't exactly provided the most comfortable ones, but it was okay. There wasn't a whole lot of things on my side, since I decided to bring the useful things only. I mean, there's a chance I snuck down some unnecessary things as well, but who hasn't?

I hadn't met my roommate yet. Her side had a lot of pink and gold, giving that typical Femme Fatale feeling. Her desk was filled with makeup and pictures of random people. I wasn't sure which person in the pictures were her, but they were all really pretty.

Someone opened the door and stepped inside. She had gorgeous, pink hair and a bag over her shoulder.

"Oh, you must be my roommate, right?" She asked when she saw me.

"Ah, yes! That's right, I'm Y/N L/N! Nice to meet you!" I stood up to greet her properly, and she smiled in return.

"My name is Trish Una. I can't stay for long, I have to get to my next class. Do you need help finding your way somewhere?" She unpacked her bag and put in some spare clothes.

"Oh, I'd love that! I'm a history major, do you know where I can find Mr. Esposito's class?" She thought for a second, before nodding.

"Of course! It's in the direction I'm headed to anyway. I'm a dance major, that's why I'm packing clothes." She explained and I grabbed my bag to follow her. I had the luxury of only starting out with one class so far, but I wanted to get into it as soon as possible. "I can wait for you afterwards if you'd like, but you'll have to meet up with my friend as well."

"Oh, I'm sure that's fine!" I said as she led the way through countless corridors. "How many are there? Two girls who also dance, or...?" She chuckled lightly.

"Not... quite. You'll see later. Focus on your class and I'll show you around later as well. Here's your classroom, I wish you the best of luck." She smiled and left me to walk into a new classroom. I was a bit nervous, but Trish seemed nice. I figured if I had a friend like her, everything would go smoothly from here.


I waited outside my classroom for her as she approached me. I waved to her, but I also noticed that someone was walking with her.

"Hi, thanks for waiting." She said and pointed to the boy next to her. "This is Narancia, he's in my class. Don't let his cute face fool you, he's 19, but he's retaking a year." She explained with a smile.

"Trish! You promised not to say that..." He pouted and giggled a bit.

"Oh! So we're the same age then, Trish? Nice to meet you, Narancia!" I was a bit relieved to know that Trish and I were both the same age.

"Is this the girl you wanted to introduce to the others?" He asked and Trish nodded.

"Yeah, she seems nice. I'm sure Bucciarati won't mind! Y/N, come with us. We'll be going to the library." They both talked about their class, laughing and making fun of their teacher while I followed behind. It was still my first day, and I didn't really want to force myself into conversations yet. Narancia opened a pair of large doors, leading right into a huge area filled with bookshelves. I watched in awe as they reached all the way to the ceiling. It must be impossible to reach the ones at the top.

▪︎Murder Mystery▪︎  Abbacchio x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now