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Y/N sat on the couch, eating cereal while watching TV.

On the stand in front of the couch, he had two boxes of Krave and one milk jug, plus some sugar.

"Hey, Y/N" Bulla said, walking over and sitting down next to Y/N.

"Yeah?" Y/N said through his Krave.

"I'm sorry" Bulla said, looking down at her knees.

"Sorry for what?" Y/N asked.

"Sorry for saying all those mean things like how I hate you and you ruined my life. It was uncalled for and I didn't mean it, I was just angry and I said something I wanted to hurt you with because I was angry" Bulla said.

Y/N tried to speak through his Krave, but it came out completely unintelligible.

"Um... I can't understand you" Bulla said, sweatdropping.

Y/N swallowed his food and spoke.

"I said: I'm always surprised by your maturity. Any child alive would've said 'I don't care about your feelings, all I care about is whether you feed me or not' because you children don't have any bit of morale as I learned back when I went to school. But you... You decided to apologize" Y/N said.

Y/N pat Bulla on the head.

"It's okay, I forgive you" Y/N said.

"B-But you were literally having a mental breakdown! I heard you!" Bulla said.

"Oh shit, you heard-- I-I mean-- Mental breakdown? No, me and Nonon were just...playing a game" Y/N said.

"I'm not stupid..." Bulla said.

"Yeahhh and that's what makes parenting you so much harder is that I can't just use little tricks on you like other parents get to with their kid" Y/N said, finishing his bowl and pouring more in with more milk and a little bit of sugar(half the jar).

"Are you sure you're okay?" Bulla asked.

"I'm eating extra sugary cereal and watching my favorite TV show. I'm okay, trust me" Y/N said.

With Ryuko...

An entire mountain of croquettes were set down by Sukuyo in the middle of a small, round dining table(really just a nightstand).

"Let's eat!" The entire family, plus Ryuko, said.

All 6, counting Guts, jumped into the food, digging into every calorie of the mystery meat.

"Yum!" Mako said, mouth so full of food that she looked like a chipmunk.

"Your croquettes are awesome, Mom!" Mataro said.

"Yeah! When it comes to deep-frying mystery ingredients, you're the best in Japan, dear!" Barazo said, hit mouth so full of food that he couldn't close his lips all the way around the croquettes in his mouth.

"The trick is to chop everything finely and mix them in with potatoes" Sukuyo said.

"Your croquettes really are great, ma'am" Ryuko said.

"I'm glad you think so. Please, eat all you like" Sukuyo said, holding up the giant plate in front of Ryuko.

"Oh, I'm already full" Ryuko said.

Ryuko set her chopsticks down on the table next to her empty bowl of rice.

"Thanks for the meal" Ryuko said.

NEVER STOP FIGHTING - Kill La Kill x Saiyan Male ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz